Monday 15 July 2024


This post might be read and construed as being supportive of the atrocities that man does on fellow men, their faith and belief, and other creations, but it is written from the perspective of the saints.

Sadhu Om sings that the moment you realize that everything happens by his grace (will), you shall enter a state of peace. What was lawful once might be unlawful now or vice versa as the cruel act of the wife stepping into the burning funeral pyre of her dead husband in the past. Can we then thank the British who by making it unlawful brought a stop to this insane act? 

Sadhu Om stresses that there cannot be injustice in God's reign. Rather than follow the thoughts that begin to bear actions, we are asked to focus on eradicating the ego and experiencing the Atma. This is Atma Anubhavam. When the separateness is dropped what remains is the divine soul or ParamAtma.

எப்போது நீயறி வாயோ மனமே
அப்போதே சாந்தி யடைவாய்
இப்பாரி லெப்போதும் எல்லா மிறையருளால்
தப்பா தணுவளவுஞ் சரியாய் நடப்பதாக (எப்போது…)

முற்போது தர்மமென்றும் தற்போ ததர்மமென்றும்
முயன்றேசீர் திருத்திட முடியுமுன் னாலேயென்றும்
அற்பாகந் தைச்செருக்கால் அலையாம லேயடங்கி
ஆண்டவன் ஆட்சியில் அதர்மமே யில்லையென்றே (எப்போது…)

எழுந்தவுன் னெழுச்சியா லெண்ணம் செயல்சொல்லாக
இயற்றிய கர்மமெல்லாம் இறைவனை நீங்குவதே
அழுந்தி யகமூலத்தி லகந்தை யழிவதொன்றே
அரிய க்ருதக்ருத்திய ஆன்மானு பவமென்றே (எப்போது…)

இப்பாரி லெப்போதும் எல்லா மிறையருளால்
தப்பா தணுவளவுஞ் சரியாய் நடப்பதாக (எப்போது…)

When you realize, right then you shall attain peace
When you realize this, right then you shall attain peace, oh mind

That in this world everything happens ever by God’s Grace
With not a mistake down even to each atom perfectly
When you realize this, right then you shall attain peace

Imagining that then there was dharma and now there is adharma
And through your effort, you can bring about a change
To not roam about with such arrogance of the puny ego
And surrender that there is no adharma in God’s dominion
When you realize this, right then you shall attain peace

Your rising up that becomes thought, word, and deed
and all the karma thus created moves you away from God
To abide within the Heart source so the ego gets destroyed
Is the rarest deed worthy of pursuing, direct Self-experience
When you realize, right then you shall attain peace

That in this world everything happens ever by God’s Grace
With not a mistake down even to each atom perfectly
When you realize this, right then you shall attain peace, oh mind.

(Source: eppodhu nee arivaayo, When You Realize (

Bhagawan Ramana and Yogi Ramsuratkumar both understood the divine will and law and told their followers "Let them do what they came for", when some ransacked the former's ashram and gave him a blow and beat up the latter in the streets, for these masters understood that these souls had come to fulfill the divine play that was scripted in another realm and that is acted upon and came into play down here on this earth.

When Swami Vivekananda voiced his anger to Goddess Kali for keeping quiet when certain quarters brought down the places of worship, she replied that it was her work too. 

When a colleague's pregnant wife was suffering Goddess Mariamma revealed that it was Kali's work which made me angry and confused about why she did that to her devotees. This set me ablaze with questions that had to be dozed off by Lord Shiva in a dream asking me to keep these questions to a later date. I left everything, got married, and focused my attention on my responsibilities toward the family and my career for the next 14 years.

When some asked why India had beggars, Yogi Ramsuratkumar replied that India needs beggars. Should we thank them for giving us an opportunity to serve, donate, and help these unfortunate souls?

When Cheng Yen was denied entry to become a monk, the invasion of Taiwan by the Japanese paved the way for institutions to allow women to pursue their dreams. Should we thank the Japanese then? 

Then there were individuals who opposed the system and worked to bring change. Kavyakantha Vasistha Ganapati Muni objected to women being barred from any spiritual or religious chores. Bharathi is another classic example. 

A prayer of Dr. BR Ambedkar "If caste was to determine and take hold of society, let the breeze that blows bring on the poison", "சாதிதான் சமூகம் என்றால் வீசும் காற்றில் விஷம் பரவட்டும்" shows the intensity of the hurt and anger he had against the practice of the caste system. Can we equate his prayer, as having been granted by the Prapanjam which watches over all of creation and absorbs all thoughts, to the recent pandemic? 

So what is our stand then, to act or watch?