Tuesday 2 July 2024


When we begin to walk the path of the Siddhas, we unknowingly have embarked on a journey within that of a total transformation in all sense. The calling came in 2001 mysteriously through my nephew who was affiliated with a temple and a guru during his university days in Penang. Keeping it a secret initially, I soon came to know a year later that it was a calling from Agathiyar through his Paramaguru Gopal Pillai who came through a devotee. Agathiyar's message, the Vasudeva mantra that he gave me to chant, and the directive to observe the upcoming Navarathri puja were delivered to me by him coming through my nephew. I had refrained from all forms of practices, home and temple worship, reading, and discussions which I had embarked on after leaving my home to begin working in 1980, after Lord Shiva came in a dream in 1988 and asked to keep the questions and doubts that had disturbed me mentally to another date. Agathiyar kickstarted the cycle again. Agathiyar threw a gift telling me that I would meet my guru mysteriously, after preparing myself to meet him through these practices.

In making it known to me of the ever-mind-boggling and mysterious Nadi through my colleague during one of our casual chats at the office, he moved me to seek my Nadi too. Agathiyar made the calling to come to his worship and that of the other Siddhas and deities in 2002. Agathiyar kickstarted the cycle again but from another platform, that of the Siddhas.

Agathiyar as promised showed me to Supramania Swami of Tiruvannamalai in 2003 as I embarked on my maiden pilgrimage to India. Agathiyar had directed me to carry out remedies for my past mistakes. In 2005 he brought Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal to our shores and another wonderful guru-disciple relationship blossomed concurrently. Agathiyar sends me to his ashram to learn more, a month after his return to India. Agathiyar, asking Tavayogi what he would gift me, has him take me on a walk to his abodes, caves, and temples, giving me my first astounding miracles. Speaking about these in a later Nadi reading, he promises to show me more on this soil. He kept his promise to this day. 

The moment we embarked on this journey of discovery, unknowing to us we had set an internal transformation in motion. The sights and sounds that we discover in traveling to these places and the experiences we gain trigger the start of the journey within. Just as we cleanse ourselves externally by dipping in the holy waters, our internals go through a process of purification by carrying out worship or puja and charity. The Yoga Asanas and Pranayama techniques that Tavayogi showed us and which we put into practice beginning in 2007, saw fruition in 2011. Unknowing to me, the practice had triggered the energy that drives us all, and all of creation, to move into other frontiers. This energy that drives us to move and perform our daily routines each day, and that returns to base camp at the Muladhara to hibernate at the end of each day, began to travel to higher altitudes. I would collapse and wring in pain, my torso involuntarily twisting and turning as a snake beaten up. But as Agathiyar came to brief, the pain was indeed blissful. Still traveling it takes a break, residing in the numerous camps on the way up. Traversing Svadhisthana it gave rise to an acute pain in the lower back that was akin to the symptoms from sciatica. I had to endure and live with this pain during the years 2011 and 2012. Agathiyar in a surprising manner brought relief from this excruciating pain when the physiotherapist had me perform the exercises she had shown me before her. I felt a knot released in this exact spot that had me crying aloud in joy. Agathiyar asked that I halt all my practice. Arriving at Manipuraka the energy began to pond. In 2020 Agathiyar revealed this after I practically laid on the bed like a corpse. Except for being aware in my head of all that was going on, felt, and seen, I was numb and "dead" from the neck down. I had the experience of how it would be to be dead as a doornail. 

To be continued.
(As I have to send my daughter to work)