Saturday 13 July 2024


Some time back as I had my midday meal at a vegetarian restaurant, a man walked up to my table and asked to sit. Soon he started a conversation saying life was difficult under the pandemic, stating his huge losses in business. I asked him if he had shared and revealed his profits with others and shared his joy when he had a good day in good times. 

When people approach Tavayogi with their difficulties (Kastam), he listens patiently and finally tells them that all their problems are due to "Vinai" or what we had sowed in the past, commonly called Karma. If they are willing to listen further he would advocate that they come to the worship of the Siddhas. He would say "Potrinaal Unathu Vinai Agalum". Praising the Siddhas would bring an end to their problems. He tells me that these were not difficulties. He would rephrase it saying it was a problem. He would add that problems can be overcome. That is the reason we are given intelligence, he would go on. 

But what if one has come to the worship, read the Nadi to know his past Karma and carried out the remedies and yet faces these problems? How long can he hold on to the promises of the Siddhas? Faith soon declines in them. They begin to believe it is all a hoax and they go seeking other avenues for a solution. We cannot blame them for that is the nature of man. But if they had read the lives of the great saints, they would realize that life was neither rosy nor cozy for them too. Yogi Ramsuratkumar himself says that there are ups and downs in his life. Ramalinga Adigal had to face many enemies. The Puranas speak of the problems given by Asuras or Demons or Demonic figures. 

So how do you pacify one who is on the verge of going into depression and thinking of other disastrous alternatives? Who could come to their aid, if not the divine in some form. Then the question arises how far do we go to help another? Where do we draw the line? 

When seekers arrived at my home to witness the Siddha puja, they would slowly open up about their life problems. Initially, my wife and I would listen and advise them. But when the advice backfired, putting a word to Tavayogi, he would ask me "Why do you involve?" That put a hold on our involvement in other's lives. 

Then there is a question as to in what manner could we help another. 

Some in wanting to celebrate their birthdays chose to do it at orphanages. Do they understand the replication of their actions on these children? Rather they adopt a child for the day and celebrate his or her birthday with the others. 

Agathiyar who initially sent us to the homes of flat dwellers, the orphanages, and old folk's homes run by individuals, and to those who ended up on the streets to ascertain their needs and carry out the appropriate charity, later told us to investigate and verify and identify those who truly needed these aids. True enough the few poor and unfortunate in these homes were struggling to make ends me. The cooked food and groceries we gave were God sent for they could now channel whatever little income they received to pay the rent and bills which we did not undertake. When we saw how a children's home stocked an abundance of grains and other groceries and kept accepting more, we withdrew from giving them aid for their dishonesty and greed. When we took stock of the reality that there was an abundance of packed food given to those on the streets by numerous groups and individuals that ended up in the trash can untouched, we stopped street feeding. We continued with the few homes that we adopted in the low-cost housing scheme until Agathiyar pulled the brake on our work. Worried about them Agathiyar as if he saw through our thoughts assured us that some others would take up from where we left off. True enough another group came into the picture. As for us, we were told to go into the next phase of going within.

Even the very best astrologer can only come up with a solution based on our charts in this birth. Only the Siddhas go back into the past births to find the needle in the haystack. But at times they too do not expose many things for reasons known only to them. They too buy time at times for as long as we are mortals we are tied up with time and space. Time and venue play a major part in our lives. As for the Siddhas they have conquered these. The only final solution to all our problems is to become a Siddha. But how many desire this? When Agathiyar saves a person's life, what does he do? He goes back to his old ways. Why should he save him in the very first place then? Should not he turn a new leaf or take on a bigger purpose and live the rest of his life either in service to God or humanity? 

We believe that external elements can save us. If so why does someone die even after the doctors have tried their best to keep him alive? Who then makes the call? 

As Tavayogi says, use our intelligence to the best ability, put in the efforts called for, accept assistance that comes along, and leave the rest to the Higher Intelligence. Name it anything but place your faith in it to act in our favor or as it desires. Similarly learn to accept guidance and move on rather than trying to figure or and understand these divine doings. When the divine coming within a devotee, gave a solution to a seeker, he started to investigate who had come. Another wanted to know the voice behind the message that Agathiyar gave us which I had uploaded as an audio. There was a trio who went to the trouble to do a background check on a Nadi reader missing the message that Agathiyar had given them in the reading. It is indeed good to be inquisitive but one needs to at times accept and act on faith and belief in the unseen and mysterious. Ramalinga Adigal who is often quoted by his followers as being a nonbeliever of lesser deities, told a seeker who was been investigated, to seek a solution from Karupanasamy. The latter solved his problem. The seeker is still in service. A man who was likely to be sent to the gallows when his friends who were driving his car were stopped and found in possession of drugs, was released after his wife traveled to Kallar Ashram and participated in a Yagam. Another devotee who was suspended was reinstated to his post after he joined us in a Pornami Puja on the advice of Mataji as he could not travel to Kallar ashram for his passport was withheld. 

So many have seen benefits and good take place in their lives coming to the Siddhas. To those who are still struggling after coming to the Siddhas, what can I say but to hold on a bit longer. Maybe the last strand of all your troubles is about to break and you shall be freed of all your troubles.