Monday 20 December 2021


When the floodwaters began to rise in the home of Suren, Perarulalan whose home was affected too, made his way in his four-wheel-drive pick-up Hilux to see if he could assist in any way. But unfortunately, he could only go so far as to enter the housing scheme but could not go further. He had to return as only a boat could make its way to these houses. But by God's grace, the floodwaters began to recede in Suren's housing area. What made us extra concerned was that Suren is currently in Italy. His aged parents were left with their grandchildren. But as the others battled with the floodwaters that had crept into their houses entirely submerging the first floors, many samaritans are reported to be making their way with boats tied to their vehicles heading to these grief-stricken locations. That is the spirit of fellow humans who care for others. We read from that "many private vehicles were seen bearing boats and heading south towards the Klang Valley. Some were towing the boats, there were those who used lorries, while others strapped them to the roof of their cars. Kudos to the Malaysian rakyat who are traveling great distances to help those stranded (in the floods). Many Malaysians are so good-hearted and loving.” 

I remember the days of my childhood when we had to go through such instances as the rented house we stayed in was exactly beside a river that flowed through. Once it becomes swollen, it begins to overflow and come into our home. But in those times we did not see this much rain.

The times when we went in search of a path and a guru are over says Agathiyar. The times when we went in search of the hungry and needy in the past is over too he says. Now it is time we knew the Atma within us. For that one has to look within and reach within instead of looking outside as previously. 

Life is a timeline of fleeting moments. Life is a train of thoughts. Life is a stream of air going through us. Life is a constant bombardment of noise and sound. In going within one learns to look at each frame in the timeline. In going within one begins to look at each thought bubble. In going within one observes each breath. In going within one comes to shut out all sound. In going within we connect with one's Atma. In connecting with one's Atma we come to know the Paramatma from whence we came as a spark. This Atma lives in every living creature. Hence we are all connected. This is seen in times of catastrophe and tragedies. The connection in us comes to the surface in such trying moments.