Thursday 3 June 2021


In these hours of uncertainties and deaths taking place all around us, Agathiyar wants us to reach out to him directly. If in the past we had the Nadi, the priests, religious heads, and gurus as proxies and middle man between the divine and us, he has brought an end to that culture. The past year and a half, with the lockdown in place also saw us unable to attend prayers at the temples, ashrams, peedhams, and religious and spiritual centers. The past year and a half saw us devote all the time we had, to him. How many of us took this rare opportunity to do so? 

He wants each home to become his garden or Agathiyar Vanam. He broke Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia for this reason. It was becoming another temple or alayam, with people patronizing it to place their desires and wishes before him and leaving. A few came to thank him asking nothing further from him. To these few who weathered through difficult times, and have stood the test of time, Agathiyar has acknowledged their faith and honored their homes as Agathiyar Vanam too. Learning by participating in the rituals they brought back the teachings of Agathiyar into their homes too. Even when their immediate families saw the Siddha worship as alien and were not convinced enough to follow these few diligently lit the lamp and recited the names of the Siddhas. Some did the homam too. When Agathiyar brought a stop to rituals, he brought them into Yogam teaching them Pranayama and Yoga Asanas. These rituals and practices to a certain extent helped boost their immune system. With Lord Shiva giving us the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and Dhanvantri Mantra, the former known to be a "Fear Buster" and the latter a shield or kavasam, we were equipped further. Above and beyond all these Agathiyar had instilled in us the act of maintaining personal hygiene and keeping our home and environment clean, months before the pandemic reared its ugly head. He has told us to adhere to and observe all the rules of the day too in keeping us and others safe. We have done all that is required leaving no stone unturned. In the event we still contract the virus then, he has to tell us why it happened. We surrender to Him and accept whatever explanations he gives.  

If we come out of this safe and alive, I believe all these devotees of his who took to worshipping him in the homes and in their hearts would have gained Soul Power or Atma Balam. They would have the confidence to pray for themselves and their loved ones without seeking the aid of others to put in a good word to the Lord. They shall become his companion having evolved from the state of a devotee and servant. The soul shall evolve further and eventually recognize it as "Him". He too shall be a Siddha then fulfilling the aspirations of Agathiyar. Going by the momentary moments when he does come ... we are a bystander initially ... later we coexist .... then we become him momentarily. Agathiyar had always wanted us to reach this state - his state. But what we did was to be complacent and satisfied in just worshiping him. We simply replaced the deities in the temples with the Siddhas. That is not the path of the Siddhas. To become one is the objective of traveling this path. To ask for favors, wishes, and desires to be fulfilled is not the way of a Siddha or a Yogi. That is the ways of a Bhogi, a man bonded by pleasures of the world. He does not seek boons for he knows that he shall be trapped in its clutches. He shall accept what comes his way. He might even reject them to further his inward journey. The Soul journey. 

Those dear and loved might leave us. People we know might leave us too. We might leave too. But before that day comes let us now reach out to him and gain his grace. His grace will go a long way in this Soul journey. 

Shall we all come together to recite the Maha Mrithyunjaya Mantra for 12 minutes followed by the Dhanvantri Mantra for another 12 minutes on Sunday, 6 June 2021 beginning at 12 noon Malaysia Standard Time? At the end of the recitation, we shall sit in silence and connect with the Prapanjam for another 12 minutes. The intent of this petition or prayer or Sankalpa is to seek divine intervention towards bringing a close to this pandemic. It has been going on for far too long. The medical team is exhausted and bone-tired. We are tired too. 

Please join us from your own home at precisely the same time. Check out your local time at this link