Sunday 13 June 2021


Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyar speaks about the need to have faith in the guru and his path. When confronted by an issue, Tavayogi would tell us, "Let it be. Agathiyar is there. He shall take care of it" and move away. He would never discuss the issue again. Lord Murugan came and surprised us by asking repeatedly if we had surrendered when he asks us to come before him. He wanted to gift/give each of us something. When I stood before him, he "chased me away" asking me to go to Agathiyar (to receive it). When Goddess Ma came to grant something else to us another day, she told me, "What am I suppose to give you. You get it from Agathiyar." When Ramalinga Adigal came he told me to continue to hold on tight to Agathiyar. When I was in Kallar ashram in 2005, Tavayogi told me that Agathiyar came the night before asking him what he was going to give me.

I told Agathiyar once that "I am blessed that every guru, Siddha, and deity acknowledges my faith in you. Thank you Agatheesa."

I don't have a reason why they shower so much kindness and compassion on us. But we are very thankful for that.