Wednesday 10 January 2024


One cannot bring oneself to read or watch the news these days. It is saddening. If the press has to abide by certain courtesy and respect in reporting, many on social media, where there are no borders, are spilling hatred and fear. Similarly one cannot have a decent and fruitful conversation with another without throwing in abuses at others.

I guess the good among the bad and ugly have to go into hiding. But is there any safe place these days? I guess the only safe place is at the feet of God. But man has divided God too. So which door should we enter to gain asylum and refuge? I guess we have to start creating a safe world for ourselves amidst this chaos. 

The older generation would always end up speaking about the good times as they grew up. I guess the reason is that they were protected in many ways from receiving instant updates and news. There was the mountain ranch that had to be conquered before coming upon another settlement. One had to travel miles and for days to reach the next community. One had to depend on snail mail as in the movie "The Call of the Wild". Their only source of information was the newspapers as in the movie "News of the World" and only later the radio and television stations. These days we are bombarded from all sides with both authentic and false news, and opinions and comments both constructive and damaging. I guess it all rests in our hands now, whether to turn on the television, flip through the papers, or browse through the net. 

The thought that I could also be adding to the amount of information already out there, which is already choking and suffocating, and breaking the limits, and breaking news uploaded each second, gives me the shivers. The thought that I am making claims equally as many others are doing brings on a fever. I shudder to think of the outcome if I were to reveal more if Agathiyar and Lord Shiva had not tied my hands and zipped my mouth at least for the moment. 

The Siddhas are aware of every happening but choose to withdraw and let fate execute and do its work. Just as parents are ever watchful of their children's movements, whereabouts, and interests, if they come to know that one has a yearning to break free from this mess that man has brought onto himself and the world he lives in, they knock on his door bringing him the message. 

In, Kryon Lee Caroll speaks of the "Field as a benevolent harmonious vibration and if you harmonize with it with your consciousness you activate your cellular structure." Ramalinga Adigal came several times and tried to get us connected to the field what we call the Prapanjam or Arutperunjothi. "Those who can totally and completely harmonize with the Field can control physics." The Siddhas did.

If man had only one rule in the past that of Nature's law that worked well with all of creation, rules and laws enacted by man have hindered the expansion of his Self and evolvement. Man has lost his freedom to choose his path and discover for himself the truth as it all is dictated and forced upon him. We are told that children up to the age of 3 are pretty sensitive to the Field and the pulse it generates. But we and the surroundings tend to condition them. "I am big. You are small. I am smart. You are stupid." The adult coming with a standard script always conditions these children into their own mold and manner making them their clones. Tavayogi once said that the soul should never be caged but left to explore.

The producers and all those who were involved in this spiritual and scientific venture, rather than separating science from spirituality asked themselves "What if we marry these two?" and the result is this wonderful documentary. Watch for yourself at I am watching it too. 

The benefits of mass prayers are extolled in this movie. This is what we gather to do too. It is called Koothu Prathanai where a number of us come together at AVM in prayer for a specific purpose. We did it when Lord Shiva told us to conduct the Homam in our individual homes since there was a lockdown at the height of the pandemic. Prapanjam herself asked us to do a similar puja when there were signs of the virus reappearing and menacing. Agathiyar in the Nadi told some to come together so that his devotee could live to continue to bring many to read the Nadi. The Siddhas listened to our plea and came together lighting a Yagam so that Tavayogi too would be spared. That is the extent and wonder of connecting with Prapanjam in unison which does wonders for the good of all. Agathiyar convinced me to carry out Homam for this reason too. Now with Vaalai knocking on my door, he has asked that we start puja and homam again.