Sunday 7 April 2024


If Lord Shiva had us drop our hold on all our learnings, perceptions, and views coming through a dream, it is pretty clear where Agathiyar has brought us today. Having us pick up home puja to the Siddhas after a Nadi reading, long after our parents brought us to the temples in Sariyai, he introduced us to Tavayogi who in turn introduced us to rituals and charity as in Kriyai and parted us with his science of Yoga. Agathiyar too gives us rituals and breathing techniques in further Nadi readings to carry out, comes to monitor the rising energies within, and brings us even to let go of the Siddhis that came along just as Tavayogi had us let go of all our previous hold on desires, wishes, and possessions and Lord Shiva having us drop our learnings. Finally, in dispensing Gnana he even had us leave that behind and not carry it with us. Today we stand naked before him with no desires, wishes, or possessions, doing no rituals, charity, or Yogic practice, not carrying the Gnana, and even have dropped our attachment to him just as he had asked of us. We stand aloft as the Atma that is his and him. The many and eventual final two have become one. He has brought us to the teachings of Ramana Maharishi. And who best to tell us of his teachings but Sadhu Om through his songs on the Bhagawan and Arunachala. Sriram Parthasarathy has brought us some gems of Sadhu Om that had brought both Ramana Maharishi and Yogi Ramsuratkumar amongst us listening intently with us.