Saturday 6 April 2024


Agathiyar who spoke in classic Tamil of the Sangam era was forced to come down and deliver the Nadi readings in the common day language so that we could understand him better. Certain beliefs and faiths too have been sidelined from the mainstream followings. For instance, belief in Karma and being the Light and returning to it too has been dropped by certain faiths. It looks like besides all things including language, writings, culture, and tradition, even religion and spiritualism too have gone through many changes. 

As we have seen earlier if whatever undergoes a metamorphosis and transformation and change is a work of Maya, that which underlies these changes and stands witness to these changes has to be the absolute. This is what we are to search for or rather discover and settle in eventually having come out of this maze of Maya without being caught or lost in it. This is the true journey that Tavayogi meant, I have come to understand. The discovery of our true nature. The oneness to the source. Being the very source. In realizing that we are one with and in the source, what more is there to do? I guess this is the reason Agathiyar told me that there was nothing else for me to do. I guess this is the reason he set me free and asked me to linger in public and watch all the fun.