Tuesday 9 April 2024


Watching the movie "Edge of Tomorrow" makes us not want to know the future. The movie depicts Major William Cage caught in a time loop as he tries to find a way to defeat the invaders. Agathiyar too asked us how many times must he insert the soul into these bodies. He wants us to get it right this time around. But alas we are all still honeymooning. 

Going by the events of the past 5 years when the Siddhas decided to actively come into our lives and maneuver each and every move of us, we are not ready to surrender our free will. Lord Muruga had asked each and every one of us gathered to surrender fully so that he could give us something that would bring the desired change, a change that would bring about a total transformation. But we each held on to our dear free will. We still wanted to be in charge. Today after some 5 years we are still holding on to our dear lives and possessions, holding on to relationships and positions. We fail to see that it is all a mirage, a dream, a flowing river. It is all the work of Maya.

We think we can bring a change but it looks like we cannot since we are back at it life after life again. Each time we wake up in a different place but with the same souls trying to get it right again, just as in this movie and a close remake in Tamil, "Maanaadu" where the lead actor and a police officer are trapped in a time loop, and forced to live the day over and over again. It is said that Konganar has seen 18 Kurushetra battles. Scientists are now discovering cement and plastics in use in the past. It is very likely that the world has seen itself being destroyed and restored again and again just as the students hit the restart button each time they fail in the qualifying exams for entering the Indian civil service in the movie "12th Fail". Agathiyar asked us how many times must he insert the soul into these bodies. He too is tired. He has tried waking us up from our sleep and dreams. But we are not budging.