Thursday 7 October 2021


Only the Atma knows the purpose of our birth. When I asked Agathiyar what was mine he asked me to go within and traversing the many levels or layers and stages or states as if going on an internal pilgrimage, it shall be revealed he said. Now he tells us that the Atma is also revealed as we go on those pilgrimages that pilgrims take on.

Now the song by Ramalinga Adigal is understood perfectly. Ramalinga Adigal who did a pilgrimage of external temples bringing us the glory of these age-old temples right before our eyes through his songs later brings us the mystical journey within describing it vividly. He went within and brought out a gem-studded song, "ஆணிப்பொன்னம்பலக் காட்சி". This is Atma Darisanam.

1. ஆணிப்பொன் னம்பலத் தேகண்ட காட்சிகள்
அற்புதக் காட்சிய டி - அம்மா
அற்புதக் காட்சிய டி.

2. ஜோதி மலைஒன்று தோன்றிற் றதில்ஒரு
வீதிஉண் டாச்சுத டி - அம்மா
வீதிஉண் டாச்சுத டி.

3. வீதியில் சென்றேன்அவ் வீதி நடுஒரு
மேடை இருந்தத டி - அம்மா
மேடை இருந்தத டி.

4. மேடைமேல் ஏறினேன் மேடைமேல் அங்கொரு
கூடம் இருந்தத டி - அம்மா
கூடம் இருந்தத டி.

5. கூடத்தை நாடஅக் கூடமேல் ஏழ்நிலை
மாடம் இருந்தத டி - அம்மா
மாடம் இருந்தத டி.

6. ஏழ்நிலைக் குள்ளும் இருந்த அதிசயம்
என்னென்று சொல்வன டி - அம்மா
என்னென்று சொல்வன டி.

7. ஓர்நிலை தன்னில் ஒளிர்முத்து வெண்மணி
சீர்நீலம் ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
சீர்நீலம் ஆச்சுத டி.

8. பாரோர் நிலையில் கருநீலம் செய்ய
பவளம தாச்சுத டி - அம்மா
பவளம தாச்சுத டி.

9. மற்றோர் நிலையில் மரகதப் பச்சைசெம்
மாணிக்கம் ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
மாணிக்கம் ஆச்சுத டி.

10. பின்னோர் நிலையில் பெருமுத்து வச்சிரப்
பேர்மணி ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
பேர்மணி ஆச்சுத டி.

11. வேறோர் நிலையில் மிகும்பவ ளத்திரள்
வெண்மணி ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
வெண்மணி ஆச்சுத டி.

12. புகலோர் நிலையில் பொருந்திய பன்மணி
பொன்மணி ஆச்சுத டி - அம்மா
பொன்மணி ஆச்சுத டி.

13. பதியோர் நிலையில் பகர்மணி எல்லாம்
படிகம தாச்சுத டி - அம்மா
படிகம தாச்சுத டி.

14. ஏழ்நிலை மேலே இருந்ததோர் தம்பம்
இசைந்தபொற் றம்பம டி - அம்மா
இசைந்தபொற் றம்பம டி.

15. பொற்றம்பம் கண்டேறும் போதுநான் கண்ட
புதுமைஎன் சொல்வன டி - அம்மா
புதுமைஎன் சொல்வன டி.

16. ஏறும்போ தங்கே எதிர்ந்த வகைசொல
என்னள வல்லவ டி - அம்மா
என்னள வல்லவ டி.

17. ஆங்காங்கே சத்திகள் ஆயிரம் ஆயிரம்
ஆகவந் தார்கள டி - அம்மா
ஆகவந் தார்கள டி.

18. வந்து மயக்க மயங்காமல் நான்அருள்
வல்லபம் பெற்றன டி - அம்மா
வல்லபம் பெற்றன டி.

19. வல்லபத் தால்அந்த மாதம்பத் தேறி
மணிமுடி கண்டேன டி - அம்மா
மணிமுடி கண்டேன டி.

20. மணிமுடி மேலோர் கொடுமுடி நின்றது
மற்றது கண்டேன டி - அம்மா
மற்றது கண்டேன டி.

21. கொடுமுடி மேல்ஆயி ரத்தெட்டு மாற்றுப்பொற்
கோயில் இருந்தத டி - அம்மா
கோயில் இருந்தத டி.

22. கோயிலைக் கண்டங்கே கோபுர வாயிலில்
கூசாது சென்றன டி - அம்மா
கூசாது சென்றன டி.

23. கோபுர வாயிலுள் சத்திகள் சத்தர்கள்
கோடிபல் கோடிய டி - அம்மா
கோடிபல் கோடிய டி.

24. ஆங்கவர் வண்ணம்வெள் வண்ணம்செவ் வண்ணமுன்
ஐவண்ணம் ஆகும டி - அம்மா
ஐவண்ணம் ஆகும டி.

25. அங்கவ ரெல்லாம்இங் கார்இவர் என்னவும்
அப்பாலே சென்றன டி - அம்மா
அப்பாலே சென்றன டி.

26. அப்பாலே சென்றேன்அங் கோர்திரு வாயிலில்
ஐவர் இருந்தார டி - அம்மா
ஐவர் இருந்தார டி.

27. மற்றவர் நின்று வழிகாட்ட மேலோர்
மணிவாயில் உற்றேன டி - அம்மா
மணிவாயில் உற்றேன டி.

28. எண்ணும்அவ் வாயிலில் பெண்ணோ டாணாக
இருவர் இருந்தார டி - அம்மா
இருவர் இருந்தார டி.

29. அங்கவர் காட்ட அணுக்கத் திருவாயில்
அன்பொடு கண்டேன டி - அம்மா
அன்பொடு கண்டேன டி.

30. அத்திரு வாயிலில் ஆனந்த வல்லிஎன்
அம்மை இருந்தாள டி - அம்மா
அம்மை இருந்தாள டி.

31. அம்மையைக் கண்டேன் அவளருள் கொண்டேன்
அமுதமும் உண்டேன டி - அம்மா
அமுதமும் உண்டேன டி.

32. தாங்கும் அவளரு ளாலே நடராஜர்
சந்நிதி கண்டேன டி - அம்மா
சந்நிதி கண்டேன டி.

33. சந்நிதி யில்சென்று நான்பெற்ற பேறது
சாமி அறிவார டி - அம்மா
சாமி அறிவார டி.

34. ஆணிப்பொன் னம்பலத் தேகண்ட காட்சிகள்
அற்புதக் காட்சிய டி - அம்மா
அற்புதக் காட்சிய டி.


Ramalinga Adigal describes coming upon a Hill, and a Path opening up to it. "As I walked on the Path, there was a Platform. I climbed the Platform. There was a Room. As I approached the Room, there was a 7 tier Hall above it. I cannot bring myself to narrate what I saw in these 7 tiers. In one tier, the silver Pearl transformed into Blue Sapphire (Neelam), in another tier, the Blue Sapphire became Coral (Pavalam). In yet another tier, the Emerald (Maragatham) became Ruby (Maanikkam). Further up in another tier, it became a Pearl, and back to Coral in another. Then on another tier, the gems became Gold. All these gems became Spadigams in yet another tier. Above these 7 tiers, there was a staff. Climbing the staff, what can I say of that which I saw? There were thousands of Sakthi's everywhere, who came to enticed me but I remained undeterred and strong due to the Divine Grace. Due to his Grace, I saw the Jewel of the Crown. I saw a Peak atop the Crown, above this, there were 1008 Temples. As I entered through the Arch at the Temple without hesitating, within the Entrance there stood both Sakthi's and Sakta's in millions. They began to question as to who this trespasser was, as I moved on. At another Entrance there stood Five, the others showed the Way, yet to another Doorway. As I entered, a male and a female showed me to yet another Doorway. At the Doorway my Mother the Goddess Anandha Valli stood to welcome me. I saw her and submitted to her Grace, and partook the Divine Nectar. With her grace, I saw my father's Abode. I stepped into his Abode. Who could possibly understand the Gift I was showered by my father Lord Nadarajah."

Tavayogi told me that this song of Ramalinga Adigal described the journey of traveling within encountering the various chakras or energy sources or vortexes along the way. Today Agathiyar in revealing the memo brings me to view pilgrimage from a different perspective. The common man too is not deprived of these sacred moments. For those who cannot bring themselves into a state of meditation like me or cannot allocate the time due to the pressing needs of their daily survival, the pilgrimage to places of worship provides an encounter with one's Atma. The Atma leads us to the Guru/Agathiyan/Erai. Similarly, the Guru/ Agathiyan/Erai leads us to the Atma. 

The Atma that was with us once returns to look us up after a period of separation. The Atma that was with us at birth and accompanied us for a period of time at the beginning of our journey as life on this earth, was later veiled from us for reasons that Agathiyar is not disclosing at this present moment. When we have prepared ourselves sufficiently for the showdown with the Atma or the time was ready, the Atma drew the veil aside to show itself. It returns to redeem its place in this body. This can happen during deep meditation we are told or at the pilgrimage and sacred spots as I had experienced. 

The Atma draws us to the temple or pilgrimage spot. Even before stepping into these abodes of God and Goddesses, the thought of undertaking the pilgrimage brought on much joy. The uncertainty of what to expect and what was in store and the anticipation drove and spiked the journey on.

Agathiyar made me understand that the Atma had met me at these places. The temples and his abode were the places where the Atma came before me, making me break down in pain, joy, and ecstasy. The pain of separation tore through me the moment I set eyes on the divinity that presides and resides in these temples. At the same time, the joy and bliss in reuniting with the divine came on in torrents. These are all moments of engagement with the Atma akin to moments where lovers meet each other after a long separation. Seeing the Atma again brought me into a state of ecstasy. These moments of coming face to face with it brought on extreme contortion of the body, muscles, and veins with screams and cries of pain, rejoice, and ecstasy all at one go. The Atma comes on as an intense vibration overpowering our thoughts and body at these places of worship. It takes control of the body and breath, Udal and Uyir momentarily, stunning and paralyzing us. This vibration is Atma/Agathiyan/Erai. This is Atma Darisanam. 

Atma Darisanam takes place in most of the temples. Hence the reason to go on pilgrimages. The Atma then draws us to a specific path then that could bring an individual to merge with Erai for good. Transcending the vibration that is Atma we reach the larger state of vibration that of Agathiyan/Erai. These others see as miracles. They look on with a sense of blur not comprehending what was going on. Only those who have experienced it step back and let the process take place. Now I understand why the priest from Utamar temple asked others who accompanied me to Thiruvanaikaval temple to let me be. He understood what was taking place in me at Lord Dhakshanamurty's sannadhi. Now I understand why Tavayogi told Thiru Appana who ran the local chapter of his Peedham in Malaysia, "We too have been through this" when I broke down as he pointed me to Agathiyar's feet or Padhugai. Traveling the path of the Siddhas brought on numerous similar happenings and experiences. 

Agathiyar promised to show me miracles in my very first Nadi reading way back in 2002. And thus the miracles were shown on my very first maiden pilgrimage the following year. What we initially thought were miracles is in fact the sacred moment of two lovers getting together, we have come to know now.
  • When a young priest ushered me into Lord Nadarajah's chamber at Egambeshwarar temple in Kanchipuram, I stepped into a portal. As the main sanctum was occupied with a family doing a special prayer, and the temple priests were engaged with them, I did not know how I was going to get an archanai done at the sanctum. As I came round along the corridors of the temple, I stood in front of a huge chamber on my left with a young priest waiting in attendance. Now I know that the Atma brought me to stand before this chamber for a darshan of the Lord going beyond the sights and sounds and thoughts that I understand now as Atma Darisanam. A majestic huge statue of Lord Nadarajah in that chamber caught my attention. The priest ushered me in. As I stepped into the chamber, I could only stop and watch in awe and amazement at the magnificent sight of the Lord. I was lost for a period of time. I was not aware of time and space. By the time I came to my senses the priest was already waiting to show the arti. As I began taking a few more steps towards him I felt as though I had stepped into another time zone; another place; another space. His space. I had him all to myself. I took in the sights and sounds as the young priest started chanting mantras and showing the arati. I stood before the Lord engrossed in his beauty. That is when I broke down in tears, crying my heart out. There was not a single exchange of words between the priest and me as I gave him a glance of thanks and gratitude and a token, and turned around and walked out of my Lord's home. This was my very first direct and face-to-face encounter with the Atma after the long separation.
  • Deva from Chennai was my chauffeur appointed by the travel agency or rather appointed by the Atma as the Atma had made a switch moments before my arrival at Chennai airport. Raji who was supposed to pick me up "mysteriously" became ill suddenly. On arriving at the Uttamar temple Deva left me in the car as he went into the temple to see if there was a priest who could be of assistance in advising me on how to go about doing my parikaaram at this temple as the Nadi did not stipulate in detail as to what I was to do and offer here. All Agathiyar said was that I had to donate to three Brahmin priests at this temple. Then Deva appears with a priest willing to help. The priest offered to bring me to the Thiruvanaikaval temple too where I had a parikaram too. He suggested we head for Thiruvanaikaval temple first and fast before they close for a lunch break. We decided to come back to Utamar temple at night for the parikaaram. 
  • At Thiruvanaikaval temple, the priest advised me on what was required to be purchased, pointing them out and I quickly purchased them. What was magical was that he used his contacts at the temple to open doors that were closed! He had Lord Vinayagar’s chamber opened for me. He had Lord Muruga's chamber open for me. At the main Shiva sannadhi, he looked around and approached an old Brahmin priest who was sitting with others in a corner, having his break, to show the arati. “You are the one to do the prayer,” he told him. I had the privilege to enter the main sanctum. The old priest dipped his hands into the water around the lingam showing me that it was partially submerged in water. After the arati, I was driven to fall at the feet of the elderly priest for his blessings. As I picked myself up, I noticed the priest from Utamar temple, the temple caretaker and Deva, were all lying face down in front of the priest too just as I did. Next, the accompanying priest from Utamar temple insisted this elderly priest should conduct the prayers at the Dhakshana Murthi sanctum too. Here I broke down. I supposed I must have cried aloud here, for the caretaker of the temple began to console me. The priest from Utamar temple asked him to let me be, “Let him be, let him cry.” They all waited for me to release all the pent-up emotions before the Guru. I finally picked myself up and we all adjourned to buy food parcels from the temple management and fed the poor, the temple cow, and elephant on the advice of this priest. What did take place at Thiruvanaikaval? I had asked then. Now I know after reading Agathiyar's memo that this was Atma Darisanam. I was literally teleported from one shrine to another, with the priest from Uttamar temple leading me on, performing each prayer to the utmost satisfaction. On leaving the temple, the priest whom we picked up at Utamar temple insisted that I dropped him off at a location that he indicated. He did not want me to send him back to the Utamar temple saying he had other errands to run. We dropped him at the location where he wanted to get off. After asking him for his consent and handing over to him one of the three tokens that I was to give as parikaram, we drove off. I turned to look back at him and suddenly realized that we had in fact dropped him off at a Hanuman temple! An amazing turn of events.
  • After worshiping at the famed Sri Rangam temple, as I got into the back seat of the car and tugged at the car door to close it, a holy man stood right next to the open car door. Where did he come from? He practically materialized from thin air. He was very fair, of average height, had a long white beard, long hair that was tied up neatly, and dressed in a clean white vesti. He looked merry and cheerful. He began to bless me, “You shall be fine.” He spoke fine English and Tamil. He kept on repeating this. I bent to touch his feet, asked if he had eaten, and dipped my hand into my pockets and handed him whatever amount that came along with it. I bid farewell to him, shut the door, and glanced back. He was gone! Now I know that the Atma/Agathiyan/Erai came before me not as energy this time but in a physical form showing me that they do take a form too.
  • After prayers at Thiruavinankudi temple, I bought prayer items for the abhisegam or libation of Lord Muruga and started my climb up to the hill temple. On taking my first step, my feet suddenly froze. I just could not move my legs. They felt extremely heavy as if rooted to the ground. I tugged on my legs. It did not budge. Finally, I had to lift my legs one at a time with both my hands. This is how I began to climb the stairs all the way to the top. The heart was pumping hard. I was gasping for air. I pushed myself determined to scale the hill, whatever may come. I had to break the climb though, stopping every few minutes. I eventually reached the top of the hill. On reaching the top, I was dizzy and on the verge of collapse. I had to sit. I looked around. I saw some stalls lined up in the open. I walked towards the row of stalls. I dropped my purchases and dropped myself to the ground, leaning against the wall of the stall. I closed my eyes. I was sweating profusely on the brink of fainting. The throat was extremely parched and dry. As I opened my eyes all was bright and white. I could hear the crowd and see silhouettes of people moving along in front of me. Having regained my composure after some time, I picked up my stuff and stood up to enter the temple. I stood in a line that brought me to Lord Muruga’s chambers. A priest walked up to me and practically snatched my offerings from my hands. "This is for archanai right?" saying thus he returned to the chambers. Although I was at his sannadhi physically but I have no recollection whatsoever of those moments where I stood before him. I was lost in time and space again walking into Lord Murugan's sacred chamber. Shortly after the priest broke the moment and brought me to my senses stashing unto my hands some prasad, sandalwood paste that adorned the Lord and returning my earlier purchases. I have no recollection of seeing the Lord's image to this day. I guess during this brief moment I had merged with the Atma/Agathiyan/Erai. I turned to walk out of his sannadhi. I walked through a door into a dark alley. On just taking a few steps I was brought before another chamber on my right. I looked in. There were four Brahmin priests in attendance. I asked the one closest to the door if it was Bhogar’s Samadhi and he nodded. I entered the room and stood in prayer while he showed the flame or arati. The priest pointed out the opening where Bhogar is believed to be in samadhi. He pointed out the yantra, the jade lingam, and other items of worship that Bhogar had with him. As I looked over my shoulders I was surprised to see nobody else behind me standing in the queue. I had Bhogar all to myself. I chose to sit for a while and walked across the room and seated myself next to the exit. None of the priests objected. After a while I opened my eyes to see one of the priests, a young man, lean towards me with prasad in his hands. I received it. He then walked across the room and reached out for a tumbler on top of a closet and handed it to me saying, "It's abhisegam milk." I took it and drank the milk. I took leave thanking him silently. I walked out the door into yet another corridor and come into the outdoors. That is when I fell into a state of a daze but I kept walking. I walked around the temple grounds still in a daze but with a heart that was full, brimming with joy and bliss. It was as if I had partaken the ambrosia of the Gods, a mystical potion. I kept on walking till I told myself that I had to return. I finally left the premises and found my way to the car. I traveled in silence not knowing what had transpired back there. I have had Atma Darisanam.
  • As if that miracle was not enough Lord Muruga performed a similar miracle the second time I stepped into his temple this time with Tavayogi and my brother. Two years after my last visit to Palani, as we stood in line for the gates to his chambers to be opened for the day I felt elated that this time around I was seeing Lord Muruga at Palani accompanied by my guru Tavayogi. But again I do not remember a single thing while there. We came away from his chamber into the open and crossed a courtyard to Bhogar's sannadhi. We moved into a corridor that was painted with murals depicting events in Bhogar's life. If this was Bhogar's sannadhi then where was I the first time I came to Palani?  The route to Bhogar's sannadhi was different then. As the senior priest began explaining to Tavayogi and my brother the origin of the temple, I walked across the room to the exit door and sat down again. Again a young priest was in attendance. As we stepped out of the chambers into the corridor the young priest reappeared in the corridor. Again he had a tumbler in his hands. He passed it to Tavayogi who was in front. Tavayogi took a gulp and passed the tumbler to my brother who was behind him. He took a gulp too and passed it to me. I emptied the milk down my throat and passed the tumbler back to the priest with a nod of thanks. I hurried behind Tavayogi and my brother who had already moved out into the open. That is when it happened again. I was in a state of bliss exactly as I had experienced on my first trip. I began to lag behind as Tavayogi and my brother walked ahead having a conversation. Suddenly Tavayogi stopped and looked at me asking, "What Son?" That moment I knew that he knew! He knew what was happening. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he turned towards me and asked the question with a grin. I just walked right up to him and laid my head on his chest. After a moment he turned around and continued walking. I was literally walking on air!
  • My third encounter with the Atma at Palani was not exclusive to me alone but took into consideration the presence of all my children who had accompanied me too. As we were 10 in number all from the AVM family Lord Murugan showed everyone the Atma that came in the form of a lady and drove us to sing the Siddhar Potri. As AVM family members and I stood in front of Lord Muruga at Palani, again I saw nothing that I could remember! How do I explain this? As we left Lord Murugan's sannadhi we stepped into an open courtyard and walked across to a flight of steps that took us into a corridor. We stood in line waiting to enter Bhogar's samadhi. As arati was shown this time by a young priest, tall and well built, fair and handsome, a lady who stood with us was chanting aloud a hymn for Bhuvaneswari. She left ahead of us as we stepped into the open. Then Bala Chandran wanted to chant the names of the Siddhas inside Bhogar's sannadhi. So we entered the door that led to the corridor again and positioned ourselves just outside Bhogar's chamber in a way as to not to obstruct other devotees from queuing up to see Bhogar. Then to our surprise the lady we saw earlier appeared and took a seat to the left of Bala. As it was closing time the temple aids were signaling us to hurry up but Bala was motioning them trying to buy more time. Bala began to speed up the pace of his chant as we followed suit. As the aids motioned us to end, the lady told Bala, "If the others want to leave they can but you stay and finish" (the rendition of all the names of the Siddhas). She gestured and told Bala to speed it up even faster. We all followed Bala's momentum. The moment we ended the rendition she got up and entered Bhogar's sannadhi. She applied the holy ash and kumkum to some of us and speed off after blessing us. We came out of Bhogar's chamber in a daze and sat down in the courtyard trying to digest what had just happened in the secret chamber of Bhogar! The Atma came to sit with us leading us to take the first step in walking the path of the Siddha, that of recitation of the names of the Siddhas.
  • If in 2003 the Atma appeared at my car door as I was about to close it came as an elderly man clad in white vesti and blessed me, in 2016, the Atma came as an elderly lady who was clad in a saree, green to some, blue to others, blessed all of us from the AVM family at Sri Rangam. We had just passed by her as we went seeking Ramanujar's samadhi in the courtyard of the temple when I turned back towards her and patted her cheeks. I guess the Atma stopped me in my tracks and had me turn back to where she stood identifying us the Atma. She was standing under the covered way with hands greeting us. As soon as Bala Chandran fell at her feet she looked towards the sky and began blessing him and turned her look towards every single one of us who was rooted to where we stood. There was something about her look that froze us. 
  • At Thiruvanaikaval, as I hastened into the temple looking out for Lord Dhakshanamurthy's sannadhi where the Atma met me on my earlier visit in 2003 and 2013, the Atma came as a lady to me and placed prasad in my hands, right in front of Sri Jambukeshwarar's sannadhi. This prasad was shared with the others who took their time to arrive. Again we were allowed into the sanctum and the priest shifted the water with his hands to show us that the linga was partially in the water. As we arrived at Lord Dhakshanamurthy's sannadhi, Bala spotted both Agathiyar and Lobhama just some distance away. We made our way back to Agathiyar and Lobhama and offered our homage. As we took our places at Lord Dhakshanamurthy's sannadhi and Bala began the recitation of the Siddhas' names, an elderly priest walked up to the shrine and unlocked the grills to the sanctum. When Bala stopped the recitation abruptly on seeing him, he gestured Bala to carry on while he stood in attendance listening on. Just as we were coming to the end of the recitation, he picked up the arati tool and lighted the flame, as if he knew we were about to end. The priest had no reason to be there but he appeared! I now believe the Atma came wherever we went.
  • Jnana Jhothiamma who came down to Trichy from Chennai to greet us upon arrival accompanied me and my family to Thiruvanaikaval in 2013. Again I broke down at  Lord Dhakshanamurthy's sannadhi. An intense vibration overpowered me as I lay helpless screaming, crying, and weeping and equally laughing and shouting out in ecstasy all at once. Then Jnana Jhothiamma came up to me and whispered to me to place some token on the tray of the priest in attendance. I took some rupees from my wallet and approached him. He was tall and well built, fair and handsome with a green cloth wrapped around his waist. He was giving out the sacred ash to other devotees too. As I stood in front of him and placed the money on the tray that he held out in his hands, he asked me, "Did you see?", moving his eye from side to side and drawing my look towards Lord Dhakshanamurthy's statue. Immediately I saw Lord Muruga of Palani in the flesh in the form of the priest! What he had hidden from me all three times at Palani, he showed me at Thiruvanaikaval. The Atma showed me Erai in physical form and as the immense vibration that shook my very being. 
  • On the way up to the Uchipilaiyar temple in 2016, who should I meet but the mute man who appeared mysteriously and led and guided my family and me on a specific path in worship around the temple three years earlier. My family and I were coming in circles looking for Tayumanar's sannadhi when we heard a loud clap of the hands. An old man was clapping his hands and motioning us with hand gestures from his seat some distance away. He got up from the ground as we approached him and lead us hurriedly to several sannadhis before staying back and showing us up a flight of steps to Lord Shiva. I now know that the Atma came both times as a guide to the temple and its numerous sannadhis making sure we never miss any.
  • At Brahmapureeswarar temple the AVM family is called over to Ambal's sannadhi where surprisingly the priest shares with us a meditation technique that went along with a universal prayer for the well-being of all of Erai's creation. Upon reciting after him, it energized our palms too. Now here the Atma came as the guru to pass on his knowledge and practice. 
  • At the Adhi Kumbeswarar Agathiyar sannadhi, a devotee of Agathiyar, Siddha medicine practitioner, and current caretaker is told to drop what he was doing and head for his sannadhi. The Atma had knocked on the door of the devotee informing our arrival. He hurries into the sannadhi and unlocks the grill doors. Again the doors to Erai's chambers open as we sat reciting the names of the Siddhas. 
  • At Kuthambai Siddha's Jeeva samadhi at the Arulmigu Sri Mayuranathaswami Temple, Mayiladuthurai (Mayavaram), we experienced the Siddhas presence that was so overwhelming that the ground shook as Bala Chandran recited the names of the Siddhas and we followed. A similar phenomenon was felt at Sundarananthar Vallabha Siddhar Sannadhi at the Arulmigu Meenakshi Sundareshwarar Temple in Madurai as we began to recite the names of the Siddhas. In both these places, the Atma came as intense vibration that all of us felt.
  • As we arrived late at night at the Arulmigu Koraka Siddhar Jeeva Samadhi Peedham, in Vadakku Poigai Nalloor to spent the night at the temple as asked of Dyalen, to our disappointment the gates were closed. As we settled to spent the night in the cold on the verandah of the temple suddenly a voice asked, “Where are you coming from?”(Yengiranthu Varinga?) As we looked around for the source of the voice, he asked the same question. Shanga replied that we were from Malaysia. Immediately the voice ask if we would like to enter? (Ulle Varingala?) Then we saw a figure get up from under a blanket and move to the gate. We were allowed access to the temple to spend the night. The Atma waited ahead of us and came to open the gates to the temple. We spent the night at the temple. I woke up pretty early and saw that the other devotees were still asleep. I moved over to Korakar’s samadhi and had a quiet moment with him. I came back to my ‘bed’ and began my normal routine of checking my breath and performing pranayama. Slowly some of the devotees began to arise, one after the other, to go to the loo. I eased myself too before going out to the front of the temple and taking in some fresh air. It was 4am and already the local buses were plying the route. It was then that Sugu shared his experience the night before. He had only slept about 2 hours and remained awake the whole night long. When he did wake up he saw "me" clad in his saffron or kavi vesti standing in front of Korakar's sannadhi. He then turned his head away to where I had slept and saw me there too, sleeping! He had goosebumps and dived into his blanket wondering what was going on. The night before he had loaned me his saffron vesti. But I had used it to support my head. We could not understand then. Today after Agathiyar's memo I believe the Atma took a physical form and was paying its respect to the presiding Siddhar that night. Sugu continued narrating. In the middle of the night, Sugu stuck his head outside his blanket as he heard someone walk by. There was indeed someone. He/she was clad in a rainbow cloth and covered fully the torso, from head to toe. Sugu immediately hid behind the covers. He was not sure of the mysterious figure until I asked him if it was the same person that we saw at Adhi Kumbheswarar Temple earlier arrive and light a lamp after the caretaker was notified by the Atma of our arrival. It must have struck a chord in him for he agreed that it was indeed her. Now we were wondering how did she appear again, here at Vadakku Poigai Nalloor, some 72 km away? The Atma was traveling with us on our pilgrimage.
The Atma that is not visible to our naked eyes comes as the vibration to those who are receptive to it. Those who cannot connect with it as yet the Atma stands before them as the deities sculptured in granite, stone, and metal in these temples or come as others. To one who is ready to take the plunge, the Atma comes as the Guru. How wonderful. No one is left out.

A reader shared her story of how the Atma/Agathiyan/Erai came to redeem her.
Till my 36 th year I was a non believer/ god skeptic but still curious sometimes hate the concept etc etc..god was a big problem for me anyway .. once when a strange flu   spread in our area I was much worried for my husband ( I was so insecure then) . One night I woke up in the middle of night and felt my husband  feverish...he was asleep but I felt the heat ( i think it normally happens while we r asleep). I got so scared and suddenly I prayed to the almighty whom I didnt believe and promised that I'll come to the tripuranthaka mahadeva temple  . That was a powerful temple near my place but I never wanted to visit ( I did visit twice or thrice but with no devotion ofcourse).  My husband usually scolded me for that. Anyway the next morning I woke up as usual.  Did my chores. Husband got ready for office. Then I went down to saw him off and was about to turn back when my house owner called me and asked whether I would like to visit tripuranthaka temple along with them! My god. Suddenly I remember everything. I totally forgot the whole incident at night in the morning and husband was also very much ok. No fever.  But as my house owner invited me everything was replayed.  Suddenly I got ready and went  to the temple with her.  I'm sure it was agathiyar's intervention in order to block an unforgivable act from my side. Now I know how important and bad  it is to break a promise with God from that incident itself.
As today is the first day of Navarathri Puja, Gowri Arumugam has released a song on Durga that we all grew up listening to and singing.