Wednesday 20 October 2021


As I was watching the movie Vinodhaya Sitham again this time with the family, my granddaughter had so many questions. I took her to the room to explain to her what she saw in the first 23 minutes of the movie where the lead character dies in a car crash and his Atma meets with Kala. Striking a deal with the timekeeper, he heads home to finish his unfinished businesses, shadowed and followed by Kala who insists that he accompany the family man. While the rest watched the movie, I had to figure a way to simplify things for her. How do you explain to a four-year-old the concept of life and death? I took up a piece of blank paper and began to draw out the concept. I don't know if she understood, but I began to have a better understanding. 

First, if we look at ourselves, there is a Udal or body. It is considered alive only if there is breath traversing through it, be it a human, an animal, or plant. I pointed to the things in the room and asked her if there was life in it. No, because it does not breathe. Breathing indicates that there is life. This breath is Uyir. I explained to her that the reason I practice inhaling and exhaling deeply and asked her to do it too is to get connected with the Uyir.

When this Udal and Uyir come together this is known as Jeeva. Life begins.

Then I told her that there is the Atma that is one and in many too at the same time. It is God. It is Agatheesa. And it is you and me. 

I stopped at that. But I shall continue further for my readers.

The Atma is with and appears in the Jeeva on the onset of life in the body and watches over it till a time when it veils itself. This period according to Agathiyar is 1 to 5 varahai. I have yet to find its equivalent in modern times. When the Atma is with and in the Jeeva it is called Jeevatma. When it is with and in the source it is known as Paramatma. When the individual loses his identity or "I" the Atma reveals itself coming to the fore from behind the veil. The veil drops that instant. The Atma then leads the individual to the path that brings him or her to see the truth that he or she is the Atma and one with the Paramatma. It is Self-realization. The birth and dawn of Arivu that brings on this realization is Gnanam.

It is only in human birth that this avenue to know the source and reach it is made available. The Uyir or breath that gives the Udal or body life and sustains it, when through pranayama is channeled beyond the respiratory system and touches the Atma, coupled with the constant thought of the Paramatma, the Jeevatma that is basically vibration is enhanced multifold.

As the vibration is intensified through japa, rituals, pranayama and the constant thought of the Paramatma, the Jeevatma reaches the Paramatma. In reaching it is to be taken as the the Jeevatma attains the might of the Paramatma. This is what Ramalinga Adigal describes as God giving him his staff of authority and having him take his place and execute his duties.

In the movie the man who has yet to drop his "I" leaves abruptly. Kala in giving him an extension and accompanies him back to finish his worldly responsiblities and desires in the short time of 3 months, has him drop the "I". The Atma leaves with Kala taking it into his arms and leading him to heaven. Our end too is somewhat depicted like this by Agathiyar.