Saturday 30 December 2023


The day has arrived. Today is a day of celebration for Agathiyar in numerous places both in Malaysia and India and other places I might not be aware of. We at AVM were introduced to Agathiyar's Jayanthi celebrations by Tavayogi who made it an annual celebration at his Kallar ashram. We followed suit at AVM following his advice. Later Agathiyar in the Nadi guided us often. Today Pothihai Tharma Chakkram or PTC, the new host to Agathiyar's statue that was formerly at AVM hosted the festivities. A homam and abhisegam were done for both Agathiyar and Lobhama. 

We were pleasantly surprised to see Lobhama accompany Agathiyar at PTC today. If some time back Agathiyar had told us that henceforth he shall come with Lobhama, I wondered how it was to be. Today seeing her as a bronze statue accompanying Agathiyar, I understood Agathiyar's message. The couple Sri Krishna and Sri Dewiy were drawn to Lobhama's statue at a sales outlet at the Temple of Fine Arts while dining at Annalakshmi. They immediately purchased the statue. They were truly surprised to hear me relate to them that Agathiyar had quipped that henceforth he shall come with Lobhama. Lobhama came through a devotee and guess what, wanted us to build a temple and house both Agathiyar and her. She asked that we fulfill Agathiyar's wish. It amazes us that just days back Agathiyar in a Nadi reading for Krishna had hinted that he had a big task lined up for him. When I called Senthil over the phone to catch up on the missing years since my first Nadi reading was read by him in 2002, he too said that Agathiyar was looking for several souls whom he could rope in to build his temple in Malaysia. It was Senthil too who had relayed Agathiyar's wish to see his temple built in Kallar in Tavayogi's Nadi. I guess Krishna and I have to consider and work towards it. There is no way we can ignore or dismiss or prolong their requests any further. If Agathiyar had asked for a temple in my first Nadi reading in 2002, and Lord Murugan came in another Nadi reading in 2018, asking for one too, and sent Agathiyar to convince me, Agathiyar later told me that they had tested me. Now Lobhama has asked for it on behalf of Agathiyar. But could this be a ploy to test us again? Or is this to fulfill a desire of us from the past just like Agathiyar sent a couple of devotees over telling me that I desired to be a guru. 

Meanwhile, several devotees of Agathiyar did Homam and puja in their homes while some visited Kallar ashram. They sent in photos.

Flag hoisting ceremony at Kallar ashram this morning

Homam in a devotee's home in Klang

Puja at another devotee's home in Chennai

Lighting the Yagam at Kallar Ashram later in the afternoon

Another devotee chose to sought the assistance of a Nadi reader to conduct the Homam.