Wednesday 11 September 2024


Going through the numerous harddisk of videos, audio, photos, and documents, that I have come to gather over time, I came across a video that I had saved from the internet. It is a timely reminder to all of us including me who shall step into my 66th year of existence in the lap of Mother Earth this Sunday. 

A passage from this video goes as follows: "... Upon turning 60, it would do us all well to see life for what it is, to cherish what we have, to enjoy life whilst we can, and to not take on society's troubles or your children's and grandchildren affairs on for yourself."

This is what Agathiyar told my children, my wife, and me several days after carrying out our 6oth wedding last Guru Purnima. He told them the inner significance of the 6oth wedding was to mark and register in us a pertinent point of life and a pertinent point in life. To the children, it marks the day that they let go of the hold that they had on their parents in multiple ways. To us, it was to let go and enter another phase of life, that of discovering the Self, Soul, and Atma, and journey back to the source if possible while still alive. Otherwise, death shall visit us and bring us to another round of birth to try and attempt again to find our way back home.