Sunday 15 September 2024


When animals and nature can adapt beautifully to the drastic and often disastrous changes taking place, or migrate elsewhere, why can't man? He is so hooked on his choice of food and pleasures. He even corrupts the deities he worships by offering what he eats. He extends his likes and dislikes to his deity too. Rather than becoming in the image of his deity taking on the purity in thoughts and deeds, satisfaction and completeness, he transfers his nature into the idol and worships him or her. The idol and the deity become an extension of him now. But some are moving in a positive direction where many temples dedicated to what is commonly categorized as "Siru Deivam" or Lesser Deities that previously served meat are switching to vegetarian dishes. Agathiyar and these Gods have relayed their wish to see man stop these sacrifices in the name of God. God does not demand meat. Neither does he want our body, which is basically a huge lump of meat too, unless to carry out his bidding and tasks. He only wants to guide our souls to return home, not after we pass away but while living. The merger with him has to happen in this body itself. 

The Siddhas had instead devised an alternative means to sacrifice and offerings. They used the element of fire as in Homam and Yagam to conduct these offerings to the deities and Gods. The wood, herbs, etc derived from the elements of earth and water are offered in the fire. It then is carried across through the medium of air and to higher regions of the sphere. 

I returned home with my daughters after facilitating Agathiyar and the Siddhas to carry out a Homam at my in-laws' home yesterday. We were tasked to bring along the Homa Kundam and firewood and items that go into the sacrificial fire as offerings. That was all. Agathiyar came to conduct the ritual through a devotee who was tasked to see to this ritual. He asked my wife to light a lamp for the lesser deity that my in-laws were asked to worship some time back, after a long lapse. The generations before them had apparently worshipped them. It was amazing that beginning with a song that was familiar to us, Agathiyar sang another that was unheard of. If only I had a photographic memory I would reproduce this song. But though we heard and understood it it was erased immediately. Asking my daughters to light the Homam he also asked them to ensure that it does not die out. Calling to me he asked that I recite the Arutperunjothi Mantra. He then offered the offerings into the fire speaking to the Gods in Tamil. Though I was keen to know, since I was tasked to recite the mantra, I could not take in the words. Lord Muruga subsequently stepped in and addressed each one of us and our needs.

Coming to my turn, as I stepped before him, he again reminded me to do nothing. He also reminded me not to lose my cool for I shall drop from my present state and shall find it difficult to ascend again. I understood that he now wants me to see not, hear not, speak not, and do not, but only to be aware of the breath. Apparently, this shall not trigger anger and frustration in me that shall pull me down into the dungeon of no return.