Monday 2 September 2024


We cannot speak about Rome unless we have been there. Similarly one cannot speak about the most commonly spoken powerhouse the Kundalini until he has tempered with it. Masters and saints can reveal it. So did Pandit Gopi Krishna who accidentally arose the sleeping giant and saw its tremendous and often painful outcome.

For one who is not well versed in either speaking or writing the Tamil language, I depend on others who have read them to share it with us. So do we look towards our gurus who are well-read and well-traveled and a library of Gnanam or personal experiences gained on traveling both the external and internal journey. So it was meant that I should get my answers to the many internal transformations from Nithilan Dhandapani today. His videos explain the scenario I am going through now and back then. I thank him for all the time and effort he took to do the readings and share it with us.

Agathiyar is yet to reveal my true purpose here. Calling me to the worship of Siddhas through my first Nadi reading, he sent a guru on the path to walk me through Kriyai and Yogam. Sending youths to my family home, the home turned into his home, Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia, where we assembled to carry out puja and charity. Then he had us drop everything and go within exploring the Self or Atma or Soul or JeevAtma that would eventually bring us to know the ParamAtma. He himself came to walk along with me on the path of Gnanam. Today he tells me that I am already there and that there is nothing further to do as far as my effort goes. The energies that came within and that I awoke unknowingly through all these years had paid up resulting in an internal transformation that he comes often to stamp and endorse as true. Just as Nithilan Dhandapani describes, we connect with the joy and pain of people and nature. The smile of another becomes contagious. The pain in others too becomes contagious and is felt. Agathiyar has a solution to this too. He tells us not to sink into their sadness but to help in whatever way possible and move on. 

Just as he brought us to carry out our 60th wedding in this world of instant marriages and instant divorces, to show others how a couple should stay intact till their old age, he wants to use me to show how we can actually bring change in our look and perspective and changes within and without as in our looks and other bodily transformations both external and internal. I am blessed to be part of his experiment as Nithilan Dhandapani calls it too, for I know I am in good hands. You work the changes until you're there. Then you let it all be, not wanting to stir it up again. Now I understand why Agathiyar wants me to do nothing.