Sunday 29 September 2024


Just as we are surprised to know of the true origin of the deity Karupanasamy as they say, from the horse's mouth, in the above video, I was surprised to follow the story of Sutasoma, an Indian prince's story that was written in dried palm leaves similar to the Nadi or Olai Suvadi made available to the host of BBC Earth's "The Mark Of Empire - Majapahit", Peter Lee to examine. In this story, another surprise awaited me, that of the Buddha and Lord Siva battling it out before becoming alliances. The Mark Of Empire - CNA (

Indeed each day surprises me. The crown of my head is soaked in "I don't know what" but the feeling is truly wonderful. As I pause often to take notes that come within or arise from within on my morning walk at the park as it does right now, I met a Chinese uncle Mr. Ronnie doing chin-ups and lifting his own weight. What he told me surprised me and shed all our norms on exercising. Mr. Ronnie never exercised in his life. He only started after the pandemic when he realized that he was weak. He was 66. Today at 72, he can do 8 chin-ups, runs 2 km, and has walked some 17000 steps in a day. Nothing is impossible he showed me. He is an inspiration to us all. He too says that we never give it a try. The notion that when one gets old one cannot exercise is defeated by Ronnie who proved it wrong. 

I had shared some time back that a Chinese uncle in his 80s was playing basketball solo. There was an Indian housewife who cycled with her Chinese companions, their latest achievement being crossing over to Penang island using the old Penang bridge and returning to the mainland using the second bridge. 

I had the privilege of meeting another Chinese uncle in his 80s who was a bodybuilder at a restaurant in my wife's hometown sometime back.

I had seen Chinese aunties in their 80s walk too. It is truly wonderful to see the elderly in the parks. At the same time, it is saddening to see others sulking at home. I learned today that age is not a factor. Age is no deterrent. It is our mind that sets the limits even before beginning. I learned from these wonderful people that it is never too late to begin exercising. Now I understand why Agathiyar told my father-in-law who was 83 back then that he should start doing Surya Namaskar and asked me to show him. Sadly he gave up even before he began. I left it at that. 

Is Yoga very much Indian? Did the multi-races drop from the skies, each claiming its superiority? When did these initial distinctions between men come about, that have taken a grip and hold on us to the extent that people wipe out each other these days? This distinction has become a barrier to the expansion of universal love. Nature does not distinguish the good, the bad, and the ugly. The sun shines on all. The rain falls on all. The air does not restrict itself. The trees do not choose to provide shade to some and not to others. The grains and fruit do not decide whom they shall feed. Man has certainly changed from being pure in nature to becoming a horrible being. I keep telling myself not to follow in the footsteps of these horrid people and to stay clear lest they should influence me and drag me into the dungeons of hell too right here on earth. This does not mean that I am a saint. I too have my own weakness that I am working on before I leave so that I need not come back to work on it further in another birth.

On the same note, as it is, life is a mad rush, battling the city traffic to reach one's office in time or trying to reach in time for an appointment or meeting, trying to meet sales targets, etc. When people come to the park they still continue to push themselves to perform as if there is a target to achieve for the day or month. No one seems to enjoy nature for what it is. No one feels nature, breathes nature, touches nature, or tastes nature. It is all so robotic. As it is all the art forms are diminishing and fading away except for a few who try to keep them alive. Robots and AI can do what we did. Soon AI shall oust them of their seats and they shall be lost. Already my daughter tells me that AI is stealing our identities (faces) and assembling another. I was surprised to find out from a devotee friend who told me my face was replaced with another for a movie. 

The original

The imposter

Kids and youngsters today take cues from adults who prefer to stare at their phones. They are no more creative. This blog and its contents are not advice to readers but to myself and my Manam or Self, bringing all the things seen, felt, tasted, heard, and touched to its attention, telling it what it should emulate and what it should not be. This is self-teaching. It is a study of men and their nature, preferences, likes and dislikes, and addiction. When I told a co-walker Mr Ong that I was addicted to walking he told me it was a good addiction. Indeed when phonography, drinking, and smoking have become addictions, bad-mouthing, and negative talk have become our nature, let us turn away from all this darkness and look towards the light.