Thursday 12 September 2024


Though Agathiyar lamented that many were not adopting and following the Siddhar Vazhkai Neri Muraigal or the method and the way of the Siddhas; though he was saddened that both his dream and that of Tavayogi to see each home take on the name Agathiyar Vanam with the worship of the Siddhas did not see the light of the day; and though many continued to consume meat, he did not pressure them to drop it. But there was one area that he came down hard on us. It was the lackadaisical attitude towards carrying out Pranayama, taught by Tavayogi to me and several others in 2007, which he had me teach to Mahindren in 2022, and later had Mahindren teach the rest. 

The aforementioned, except for the disinterest to move to Yoga, were not issues to him for he knew that the only way to progress and evolve further was to take up the breath as a tool and step out of Sariyai shown by example by our parents and Kriyai taught by our gurus and pursue Yoga that is the bedrock of the soul evolving and gaining soul power and Atma Balam. 

The breath is what fuels this vehicle. Once it leaves us for good never to return, we have to leave too. Once it leaves, we drop dead. Once it leaves, we end up at the junkyard to rot. As the Chakras are the petrol bunks where we refuel and continue the journey, the Pranayama techniques carried out keep the pumps working to discharge the fuel. 

This vehicle has to slowly be transformed into a vessel to accommodate the coming of and entry of a bigger and massive energy from the very source which is the Prapanjam. At the start of my Pranayama practice back in 2007, I could feel the surge of air and the Prana that it brought with it at levels beyond what traversed and transpired in me earlier. An instantaneous jump in the amount of Prana inhale was felt and experienced. Soon Prana was taken in not only through the nostril and the lungs but through the pores of the skin, through tasting, drinking, eating, bathing, and even during sleep. Surges of Prana would come in by just being with nature. We could connect and tap into the Prapanjam or rather it fills us in. Prana from the five elements is made available, boosting the Self. All my senses and sense organs were heightened. It was powerful, rejuvenating, and refreshing. 

Towards the end, in 2021, these energies coming within me took a different magnitude and form and practically lifted me off my feet. This is how I was lifted and tossed into a pit during my maiden visit to the cave temple in Sungai Siput. 

Later these energies began to use my sense organs to deliver their message to others. We became a vehicle for them in return for their generosity. These days I guess either I am accustomed to managing this power surge or this vessel has been charged sufficiently.