Sunday 18 September 2022


Dr. Swami Shankardev Saraswati wrote at

"Having graduated from medical school at Sydney University I had the opportunity to write several books on Yoga Therapy under the guidance of Swami Satyananda. Swami Satyananda instructed me to look after his library and to write books on various medical and yoga therapy topics, along with editing many of the early books from the Bihar School of Yoga. While writing these books I had several powerful experiences. One of the most profound was the experience of direct transmission from my guru. It was while writing the books that I would often fall into a trance and feel a kind of dissociation. I felt knowledge streaming into my brain, like a current or flow of understanding that I could translate into words in my mind and transmit onto paper. At the same time, I could see my pen writing the words onto paper (there were no computers in those days) but it was as if I was reading them for the first time as I wrote them. I believe that this was a direct transmission from Swami Satyananda via third eye chakra activation."

It gives me comfort and assurance that the divine was moving my thoughts and my hand on the keyboard too. I had strongly felt that it was his writings having given me the subject and the content and surprising with the relevant references either from my collection of books, the internet, or stories shared in a timely manner by my wife and others who call or drop by. It was pretty exciting each time I began to write for as Swami Shankardev says indeed "it was as if I was reading them for the first time as I wrote them." I used to read and reread the post as it was new to me too. It was as if I too was a reader of the blog taking in the gist and message given in these posts. I became more knowledgeable about the subject with each reading be it my post or after reading the references. Agathiyar was educating me and at the same time asking me to share what I came to know and experience with readers. 

I had not shared many intimate and personal readings from Agathiyar's Nadi following in the way of my guru Tavayogi who did not share many secrets for what I believe was that he did not want us to have high expectations and become frustrated in the event what was told did not work for his students. I saw the dismay and disappointment in a couple of friends and devotees of Agathiyar who messaged me after reading the blog and communicating with me hinting and asking if Agathiyar includes them in all the messages given to me and related in the blog. At that juncture, I told myself that henceforth I shall not share further my experiences and the messages and contemplated bringing an end to the blog. days later Agathiyar comes through a devotee and tells me that I had written enough praising him and he asks that I write about the inner experiences that were flowering within me so that those who worshipped the light and yearn to become it shall know of the trials and tribulations and also the bliss and enchantment in treading the path and the way and the methods. So you now see me typing these words again. I guess this blog is a means for him to keep in touch with his devotees. It is assuring to know that these are his words as I do not want to say or write the wrong things as I am pretty new to the subjects discussed in this blog. Only those with these said experiences can truly write or talk about them. A gathering of information from numerous sources is purely academic. That is why we stay at the feet of a guru for 12 years learning from watching him. His experiences become ours too. We can fully understand our own experiences when the time comes for us to engage in living out his teachings. 

In engaging in all the previous activities that we were directed to carry out, we never for a second looked within for salvation. We thought that all the good deeds that we did would automatically grant us salvation and a place in the kingdom of God. Both Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal told us that we had to place the effort in the many practices given first. In faithfully putting into practice the many Yoga techniques given we sort of felt that we had hit a wall. We were not moving further and became frustrated expecting the much glamorized and spoken about results that we have read all these years and heard people speak about it. It was not to be. We failed to understand that the changes were happening in a very subtle manner and not as advertised in books, the internet, and by masters. The time had to be right for us to progress further. The Pilgrim's Progress was halted just as Agathiyar had halted all our external activities in the wake of the pandemic. 

Though what we did all this while was purely of external in nature that was packed with much activity, the worship of the Siddhas, the many pilgrimages undertaken to their abodes and temples and samadhis, the Homams done at home, and the Yagams at temple grounds and the charity that was done all unknowingly contributed to enhancing the soul power to a certain extent. But the all-knowing Siddhas had us do it without given explanations. It all came as directives to us either through the numerous Nadi readings or through our gurus in physical form. We abided by their directives. Soon they began to explain the subtle and far-reaching consequences of all these actions that began to amend and doctor our past karma and traced a new destiny, utterly changing our fate.

Having us pick up on the Yogasanas and Pranayama techniques given and shown, a new journey emerged that of focusing on the body and its inside. From the external, we moved within. 

The torment that came by way of the new tenants who moved next door as my noisy neighbors frustrated my attempt at going within as directed by Agathiyar during the 2 1/2 years of the pandemic. Lamenting it Ramalinga Adigal tells me that all these inconveniences were preparing me to reach the state of Gnana. I asked myself how could that help me attain Gnana? அவைகளை உமக்கு இன்னல்கள். அவைகளை உமக்கு ஞானம். பொறுத்துக்கொள். தனது முயற்சியால் உமது ஐம் புலன்களை அடக்கிடுவாய். அது நடக்கும் வண்ணம் இவைகள் உமக்குத் தொந்திராவு வழங்கும். Ramalinga Adigal in asking me to stomach all the inconveniences that I faced as soon as Agathiyar asked me to go within tells me that they were hindrances placed by them. The experience gained will bring about Gnanam. Effort (in going within) is needed to overcome the troubles. It shall exist until we are lost within ourselves.

Veronica Hope in walking us through each Chakra at writes that,

"The Root Chakra is the seat of the unconscious. All our fears “live” in our first chakra. All memories about wars, hunger, or any disasters that threaten the survival of humanity, are imprinted in the energy of the Muladhara Chakra. The wise regard all fears as valuable and beneficial experiences. When one learns from them and begins to work on him/herself, one makes progress in the spiritual development."

"நீ என்னிடம் கேட்டது ஞானம். ஞானம் என்பது நான் தருவதல்ல. நீ கற்பது. ஒருவன் தனக்குள் உள்வாங்கி அவனுள் பயணம் துவங்கும் நேரம் அப்பயணம் தரும் பாதிப்பே ஞானம். அவை ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் மாற்றம் பெரும். ஆகையால் அவை நான் இதுதான் என்று சொல்ல இயலாது." Agathiyar says of Gnanam that, "Gnanam is not gifted but has to be earned and experienced. When one goes within, as the journey brings upon subtle experiences these shall translate into and become Gnanam. It defers for each person. As such I cannot possibly define it."

This is the final journey cutting oneself completely off all actions both physical and mental. Here a thorough cleansing takes place. Eknath Easwaran in "Dialogue with Death - A Journey Through Consciousness", Jaico Publishing House, 2002, suggests that, "If we can learn not to act on a samskara by severing the connection between stimulus and response, that particular chain of karma will no longer have a hold on us." So in sitting alone oneself, the stimulus is shut off. Hence there is no need to respond to anything. This breaks the chain. What we go through in these silent moments is the remnants of our past karma that still lingers. Watching it take place or happen within will bring an end to even these last vasanas, roasting them in the fire of meditation, depriving them of germinating forever. If earlier we had exhausted all external means to rid karma, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami in "Merging with Siva - Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics", Himalayan Academy, 2005 enlightens us further as to how meditation does wonder in ridding us of the last vestiges of karma.

"When we cause a traumatic disruption within ourselves or within others, the action is imprinted in the memory patterns of the Muladhara chakra. The seed has been planted and will remain vibrating in the depths of the mind even though consciously forgotten. We carry it over from life to life, from birth to birth until one day it blossoms into the fruit of our action-reaction. There are thousands of things vibrating in the Muladhara chakra, and from those memory patterns, they are going to bounce up into view one after another, especially if we gain more Prana by breathing and eating correctly. When meditation begins, more karma is released from the first chakra (Muladhara chakra). Our individual karma is intensified as the ingrained memory patterns that were established long ago accumulate and are faced, one after another, after another, after another. In our first four or five years of striving on the path, we face the karmic patterns that we would never have faced in this life had we not consciously sought enlightenment. Experiences come faster, closer together. So much happens in the short span of a few months or even a few days, catalyzed by the new energies released in meditation, and by our efforts to purify mind and body, it might have taken us two or three lifetimes to face them all. They would not have come up before then, because nothing would have stimulated them." I guess they wanted me to have it done and over with hence these troubles that cornered me in my home. 

Equally frustrated that I had not achieved a thing in the 2 1/2 years of us living in fear of the dreaded killer virus, as the restrictions came to be lifted so too were the bunds of the pond that had collected the energies, a result of all my practice, gave way and the water was released making its way, in our case upstream to higher chakras in the body. True to what Tavayogi said the guru came to take us by the hand, beyond the second chakra. 

True to what Yogi Ramsuratkumar said, "All the rituals and religious practices prescribed in the Vedas should make one reach the feet of the Guru if these rituals and religious practices are done with all sincerity. Once you attain the feet of the Guru, then you need not worry about your spiritual growth. You need not do any rituals also. It is enough to listen to your Guru and remember your Guru. Your Guru will take care of you and he will take you to the destination" the guru unleased the hidden dormant power that is much spoken about without my least effort. My effort in doing worship, rituals, dharma and Yoga, as Tavayogi says brought me to the second chakra. Taking on the Yoga asanas and Pranayama practice as shown by Tavayogi in 2007, Agathiyar in the Nadi reading on 9.8.2010 tells me that உண்டான ஞான கனல் மிகுந்த காலம் உயர்வான காலம் இது இந்தக் காலம், the heat of the tapas or austerities had peaked in me. Weeks later seeing my agony in having pulled a nerve that gave me excruciating pain in my lower back right till the right toes, Agathiyar on 17.10.2010 gives me the good news and consoles me on the bad too. அடையோகம் தன்னில் கிட்டும் சித்தி அவையனைத்தும் தவமொடு வழிபாட்டில் பெறுவாய். ஆனதொரு ஆரோக்கியம் மட்டும் சோடை. ஒளடதமும் பிடகனை அறிந்து ஏற்க்கவே மாற்றங்கள் ஏற்றம் கிட்டும். என் அருளால் பூரணமாய் பரிசுத்தம் காண்பாய். What is generally achieved through Hathayoga is now possible through Tapas and Puja. But he points out to my health that was declining. He asked to see a physician who can bring it back to its former state. With his grace, I shall recover well. He came again on 16.1.2011, வாகடன்கள் தேகத்திற்கு மட்டும் வளத்துடனே அரை மண்டலாம் எடுத்துக் கொள்ள தேகமத்தில் குறை வாரா. Agathiyar who continued to monitor my situation assured me that all shall be fine. He asked me to continue taking the prescription for another half a mandalam.

I was referred to the Orthopedic Specialist at the general hospital who put me on physiotherapy. In the நடைமுறை பிரசன்ன ஆசி நூல் read on 26.11. 2011 Agathiyar addressed the issue clearly. தரணிதன்னில் எங்கள் வழி மார்க்கத்தில் தப்பாது பூசையும் தவமும் செய்து தான் உயர்வு அடைந்திட்ட பாலகன் உனக்குத் தரணியே உயிர் பிணி ஏது சொல்வோம் உடல் பிணி ஏதுதான் அச்சம்கொள்ள. பாரிச பீடைகளும் வந்து நிற்கும். உற்றதொரு மூலாதார சக்கரமும் உயர் விதமாய் உட்டனங்கள் அடைந்ததனாலே உரைக்க வரும் சோர்வும் தேகம் தன்னில். உரைக்கலாம் முக்கூற்று திருப்பும் இப்போ முறையாகச் சம நிலையில் இல்லாதிருக்க சோதனைகள் வந்து நிற்க்கும் அச்சம் மிதந்து. சிறப்பு தரும் வாகடமும் செப்பலாம். செப்பலாம் தவம் தன்னை நிறுத்திவைக்க.  சிறப்பு இருக்கு வழிபாடும் முறையே மாறாது சூரிய வழிபாடும் செய்ய வழிபாடும் வேலவர்க்கும் முறையே செய்யப் பங்கம் ஏதும் வந்திடாது கலக்கம் கொள்ளா. Agathiyar spelled out the reasons and the solution in the form of several Siddha herbs and prayers. He classifies my agony as Paareesa Peedai or உடலின் ஒரு பக்கம் that was external and "superficial, existing or occurring at or on the surface and  appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely." He says the Muladhara chakra had attained intense heat resulting in my condition leading to immobility. The three dosas too have gone haywire. He asked to consume Amalaki and Triphala. He asked that I stop all forms of tapas and yoga practices for the time being. He asked that I pray to the Sun God and Lord Murugan to bring relief. 

On 15.2.2012 the physiotherapist asked me to show her the exercises, she had taught me and that I had put into practice over the past seven months. As I moved into position to began to raise my right leg behind me and stretch my back, there was something like a latch released, a dam burst, a knot that was untied or loosened, as if something gave way, and it brought instantaneous relief and joy to the extent I shouted out and cried in joy. The excruciating pain left magically and mysteriously just as it had come on upon me. All was well as Agathiyar had said. 

Agathiyar tells me that the energy from the Muladhara chakra that was activated back then in 2010, had ponded at Svadishthana collecting moss. This was revealed in July 2020. 

இத்தருணம் உமக்கு மூலாதாரம் திறந்தது, ஸ்வாதிஸ்டானம் திறந்தது. இப்பொது மான் மூச்சி குளத்தில் இருக்கிறது. அவை திறக்கும் தருணம் வந்தது. இப்போதுதான் நீ உமது பயிற்சியினை தொடங்க வேண்டும். இந்த நிலையில் அச்சக்கரம் முற்றும் திறந்துவிடும். உடலில் பல மாற்றங்கள் கண்டறிவாய். பயம் கொள்ள வேண்டாம். இச்சக்கரங்களில் புணர்ச்சியால் உன் உடலில் ஏற்படும் மாற்றங்கள் துர் நாற்றம் வீசும், மலச்சிக்கல் ஏற்ப்பட்டு கழிவு ஆகும், சிறுநீர் அதிகம் வெளியேறும். அன்று நீ உண்ட குழம்பினாள் உன் உடலிலிருந்து வாதம், கபம், பித்தம் சற்றே அகன்றது. இன்னும் இருக்கிறது. அவை அகலும். Currently your Muladhara and Svadhisthana is open. The breath is currently lodged in Svadhisthana. The time of its opening is near. Now is the right time to start your practice. This would open up the chakra completely. You will see many changes take place in your body. Don't be afraid. In activating these chakras your body shall smell foul, you shall have constipation, and you shall urinate often. The Agathiyar Kuzhambu you consumed earlier (on 27 June 2022) helped stabilise your Vata, Kapha and Pitta. Yet these Dosas need to be expelled further.

Layer by layer as in an onion, our prior understanding of all things was peeled away and we were shown newer perspectives and standpoints. The numerous veils were drawn aside and we had a better and clearer understanding and vision. Layer by layer we accumulated newer experiences moving from the physical body inwards and equally moving to the outer reaches of the body and beyond. We began to understand slowly the subjects and the theory behind the occult sciences that go hand in hand with spiritualism and the journey within. But there is much to be learned as Ramalinga Adigal told us and as the grand old lady and saint Avvai has said. We are only on the first rung of the ladder that reaches into and disappears into the clouds.