Friday 23 September 2022


The bride (Atma) that seeks to meet her beloved travels the path of silence (Mauna Thiru Veethi) within asking the Manam not to interfere or sabotage her yearning to reach the abode of her lover and husband. 
  • It is by his grace that we have been given another chance to come back as human beings.
  • It is by his grace that we have had good parents, siblings, spouse, and children creating a fine surrounding and environment to grow up in.
  • It is by his grace that we are seeing another day even as we stand at the 63rd year of life.
  • It is by his grace that we were called to his path.
  • It is by his grace that we are still on the path after some 20 years.
  • It is by his grace that we have come this far on the path.
  • It is by his grace that I am able to write these words.
What can I give in return? The most compassionate tells us that he does not want anything. True what can we give him if it isn't his already? The pound of flesh is his. The breath is his. The Soul is his. Every offering we place before him is his in the first place. Tell me something that is mine to offer to him? 

The only thing left for us to do now is to surrender to his Holy Feet and take on the task he gives us. Nothing else will balance the score or repay him for his kindness and compassion. To be his obedient servant and slave and to carry out all his dictates would be the right thing to do.