Friday 28 October 2022


We are blessed to have our gurus shadow us and quickly change our course in event of impending danger or putting a temporary stop to our venture only to continue at another and right time. I have to reiterate again the dangers that luke if we carry out the spiritual practices on the path without a proper guru who could be reached at all times. Make sure the guru who initiates you into these powers is available to you whenever the need arises to refer to him on your progress or when problems crop up. Do not accept any initiation from a visiting guru whom you know you cannot meet again or call up for advice. I have seen way too many seekers and aspirants suffer as a result of these gurus' ignorance, ego, and stupidity. I was made aware last night by a friend that a 48-year-old housewife who was a sibling of another friend of ours, passed away after attempting to do a headstand in an online Yoga class. She had reported signs of dizziness and was admitted later but the doctors could not save her neither could the teacher who taught her and others online. She apparently had several medical issues and was on medication. 

A seeker after leaving his home in search of masters who were big names in the industry and after having stayed and served in their ashrams returned home disappointed. Later he was initiated by someone locally with whom he had dropped out of favor as I came to know from his wife later. She accused him of having blocked his chakras purposely. I never knew a guru could do harm to his disciple until then. 

Besides that, a visiting master touched his navel that brought on intense energy within on their very first meeting. They never met again. When unfamiliar and abnormal things began moving within he had nowhere to seek help. Hearing about Tavayogi's visit to my home he dropped in but never spoke about his misadventures in the spiritual line. He only opened the can of worms later to me in private. I was blamed by his wife that I had triggered an outpouring of lunacy and spiritual madness after I had passed on a Cd of Ramalinga Adigal's Agaval. I was baffled outright. Today after 15 years, I understand that the divine number had caused an eruption in him, bringing forth the pent-up energies that he had collected in the 25 years of search just as tourists collect souvenirs from the countries they visit. Agathiyar hauled him to my home and released this energy. I understood further that since his wife was not able to understand and help him through his spiritual endeavor further, Agathiyar had put a stop to his ventures. They are back to being one happy family. The day she comes to understand and gives the green light he shall continue from where he stopped. It saddens me that he was so close to hitting the target. 

Another seeker who was initiated by a homebred master had energies moving within him and approached me for advice and healing. When I told him to seek out the master who brought on the mess, he replied that his master had become mad and was roaming the streets. He knocked on the doors of several establishments run in the name of the Siddhas but failed to find a cure. Finally, he told me he had lost faith in the Siddhas and went his way. 

A seeker from Delhi messaged me telling me that having learned and put into practice the teachings of the various schools available he ended up with energy blockages. None of his masters could help him. He wondered if Tavayogi could help. I told him that I have never known Tavayogi to heal another. After 8 years he was still waiting for a remedy.

Recently another reader from Delhi called to ask if Agathiyar could help with the toothache that he had to endure the past year. I told him to see the dentist. He had seen but did not want to extract the tooth or go for a root canal surgery. Since he has had an initiation during one of those mass initiation events I asked him to refer to the master. He replied that the master was not accessible. I told him Agathiyar had bigger matters to attend to.

A lady who was seen as a right-hand man or rather woman and used to organize her master's events in her state and I used to exchange and talk about our respective gurus while her husband attends to repairs to my car. She fell out in favor after some time for reasons not made known to me. Soon she fell ill. I guess she could not go back to her former guru. One day she calls me up to ask if I was still in touch with Agathiyar and Tavayogi's Kallar ashram. She asks for ways to pray to the Siddhas. She has had some spiritual people drop in at her home. One told her that someone was waiting outside her house for an invitation from her to come in. The description given matched that of Agathiyar. Another told her that the Siddhas wanted her to come to their worship. Hence the reason she called.

Another visiting guru is seen felling seekers to the floor after placing his hand on their head and forehead like felling timber. But, for God's sake, there are elderly people in the midst. Are they prepared to take in these energies at that age? For all I know, their body might not be in top form and be a vehicle or vessel to take on these intense energies at that age. Unknowing to me, my chakras were activated by Agathiyar in a most subtle way recently. He came later to explain what took place. He tells me that generally, the body cannot take on the energy when chakra activation takes place late in life. This is what Tavayogi too had told me when I asked to see him merge in the light or Jothi. He told me that he had missed the boat as his age was then 69. It has to happen before 60 he said. 

We were later surprised by a dream that came to a devotee residing in South Africa after Tavayogi's demise. She saw Tavayogi onboard a boat that was heading for an island where Siddhas, Rishis, and Munis were going about their chores. Who should steer the boat but Lord Shiva. Dhanvantri too came to console us telling us (contrary to Tavayogi's belief that he did not make the mark), that Tavayogi had merged in the light and shall henceforth guide us in that form. In his absense in the physical form Agathiyar has come to stand in for him. 

We are grateful that the Siddhas are on hand to guide and look over our shoulders. What about these poor folks? Where would they go or turn to if the invocation and initiation of these energies run amok and do havoc and harm them? Do they have the Siddhas with them just as we have them at our sides? What happens after the initiator leaves the country? Will he be accessible to them in any way? Will he take responsibility for his actions?

It saddens me to see how many seekers and beginners, followers and devotees, aspirants and sadhakas on the spiritual path and the general public are being manipulated, by godmen who think that they are doing good but are in fact messing up others' lives, just to boost their ratings, publicity, viewership, fellowship, and numbers. Mahindren told me something that really made sense. If Ramalinga Adigal wanted to arouse anything for that matter in his followers he would have done that. So too the many saints of the past. We have never read about them giving initiation or activating energies en masse or for a price. It always happens between the guru and student away from the public eye. We learn of many gurus giving this initiation to potential candidates with their look, their touch, passing on mantras, etc on their very first meeting itself. But these gurus are a divine personification. They have the ability to see through the past karma of those who stand before them, verify their standing, and only then pass on this Sakti, knowing pretty well that the recipient is ready for the initiation and his body can take on the energy. The recipients in this case would have done their homework in past lives and were ready to continue from where they left off. And this transmission is always done one-to-one. 

In other cases the guru follows us for some time, said to be 12 years according to Tavayogi, watching us closely if we have the qualities to make a good student and possibly a guru someday for their name is at stake. A failed guru and disciple will taint the good name of the lineage. Questions will arise as to how he was judged the right candidate among many to receive the highest order or award from their predecessors, gurus and the entire lineage. Nothing comes easy as far as these genuine gurus are concerned. They want us to place the effort, and carry out certain practices, and only then do they come to uplift us. There is no easy way out. It has always been that way. Neither did the Siddhas nor Tavayogi and Supramania Swami dish out mantras or initiations for the asking. Although Tavayogi gave whoever walked into the local Peedham, an initiation, it was not an energy transfer. 

Some I came to understand to my shock and dismay later, are capable of siphoning our energies in the name of giving initiations. But that is an entirely different story. We shall keep that for another rainy day. Hence tread with utmost care and never surrender yourself to any stranger until you are convinced of their genuineness and divinity.

It is important that we submit our dues and surrender to one guru wholely. If we cannot bring ourselves to submit to another fellow human in the role of a guru, take the hands of the divine instead and build a relationship with him, first as a devotee and servant, and later after surrendering, as his slave. He shall come in the hours of our need and later be available 24/7 till the end. 

Before parting, it saddens me to see devotees see Agathiyar only as a physician, a counselor, and an astrologer. They never saw him as the light that leads us from darkness and ignorance. They never saw him as the guide to Jnana or spiritual wisdom. They never saw him as the Paramatma from whom we came to be.