Friday 17 March 2023


After the initial ice breaking through my first Nadi reading in 2002, we both came to know each other or rather Agathiyar furnished me on my past, present and future. He seemed to know every single thing about me. What's more he knows all my past births too. If I had thought I knew myself, I was introduced to myself instead that day. He spoke about what I did in the past, the reasons I am here and where I shall head henceforth. Though the past was written in stone, the present and the direction I was to head was not. I had the liberty to do as please. For instance, he wanted me to come to the worship of the Siddhas which I could have ignored and moved on. I took the initiative to know him and the Siddhas. Soon I came to know that our relationship was not new to this birth but had preceded beyond earlier births. 

I could have chosen and picked what I needed from the elaborate revelations he gave. Instead, I chose to follow every single word as if it was the Gospel or Vedas. This is where a change in my destiny began to take shape. Finally in 2018, Lord Muruga proclaimed that he had changed my destiny. 

I could have ignored his directive to get an initiation "again" from Tavayogi immediately after the reading that night in 2005, when Tavayogi was visiting Malaysia. But I followed his every word. My fate in knocking doors locally and walking in only to come up to a dead end was erased and a new destiny awaited me at Kallar ashram. The earlier Nadi was erased the same night of initiation and I had a new reading waiting for me. 

If I had given heed to Agathiyar's request to build him a temple that was mentioned in my first reading, and worked towards it, I only met reluctance on the part of temple committees' who never gave him a spot to reside in their temples. I dropped the idea only after I had failed. 

Later in 2018 Lord Murugan initiated the thought again asking for a temple for him. Though he said that he shall see to all the requirements, this time around I was not too keen as before after having a taste of sour grapes previously. But the cunning Lord had Agathiyar corner me at a temple celebration and place the request again just weeks later. I remained silent. Seeing my hesitation, he said that he shall do it. I thanked him from my heart. The 18 months he gave went by without any temple in sight. Agathiyar came in a Nadi reading and told me that he had tested me. I had passed the test. Recently Lord Muruga came and told me that in view of my age he did not want me to go throw the trouble of building one. Instead he assigned me the task of turning each home as Agathiyar Vanam just as my home has turned into.

In Aletheia Luna gives us a clear picture of what presides and what changes in our lives. 

"Fate is that which you cannot change. Destiny is that which you’re meant to do. While fate is what happens when you don’t take responsibility for your life, destiny is what happens when you commit to growing, learning, and taking chances."

She describes destiny beautifully too.

"Deriving from the Latin word Destinare, destiny means “that which has been firmly established.” While this definition also refers to the idea of predetermined events, destiny is something we can actively shape and alter. Unlike fate, there is an element of choice in destiny. Qualities such as courage, compassion, willpower, and patience can all help to change your destiny."

She says of fate and destiny as that, "Fate is what happens when you let other people and external circumstance dictate your life but being “destined for greatness” only comes through active and conscious decisions."

Indeed, the Siddhas come into our lives working on us and work together to bring a change in our destiny, reaching out for greatness rather than being caught in the routines, letting others and circumstances dictate the course. Here the Siddhas lay the course and have us travel it towards greater heights. 

She writes further that "Fate comes from the Latin word Fatum meaning “that which has been spoken.” Therefore, through the ages, fate has come to be associated with that which has been predetermined for our lives. Similarly, the initial Nadi reading is a condensation of what is fated for us. We can exert our choice of freedom and chose to follow if it is "a good reading" or chose to bring about a change if it is a "bad reading." It is we who decide. The choice is solely ours. We have to take responsibility for our pick of the day. 

But if we chose to worship and follow the advice of the Siddhas that comes after we bridge both worlds through worship, the Siddhas begin to take an active interest in us and have us walk the path that they took. So where are we heading? We need to know where we are heading right? Of course, to their home and live their lives. But before we follow them blindly, we need to know who is this stranger who is leading us ahead right? But in the case of the Siddhas, as they know what is best for us as they can see into the past, present and future, we can step into it right away. While our decisions are made by evaluating the situation, tools and resources on hand and proceed accordingly to the best option at that moment of time, the Siddhas ability to foresee the future lends a big hand in deciding what is best. 

This brings us to the question "Who is a Siddha"? Though many have attempted to describe and identify them they only show themselves to a few. Knowing them from experience trashes all earlier readings and knowledge on them. These seem to be mere words. A Siddha teaches by experience. Experience makes a Siddha and nothing else. Experience teaches us to sieve through the true and false gurus, true and false teachings, the good and bad etc.

Aletheia writes further,

"Spiritually, fate is what occurs when we ignore our life calling and don’t actively work to reconnect with our souls or True Nature. When we leave our lives up to fate, we are basically handing over the reins of control to other people and outside circumstances. When we don’t put any effort into consciously changing and evolving, what happens is fate."

In contrast, 

"Spiritually, destiny is intimately connected to our ultimate life path. When we choose to step up and take responsibility for our lives, then we are actively shaping our destiny instead of leaving our lives to fate. Fulfilling our destiny involves consciously developing a connection to our deepest inner selves and maturing on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level."

"But the important thing to remember is that there are infinite possibilities in life. Fulfilling our destiny means consciously directing the stream of our lives in a certain direction. While subjectively (to the ego) this means that we have control and choice, objectively, there is no such thing as control or choice because the concept of “me” and “you” don’t exist (except in the mind)."

Indeed, the ego that ordinarily reins in our lives and often brings disaster, is surrendered to the divine forces that begin to take charge of our decisions and actions henceforth. As Lord Krishna in his sermon to Arjuna in the battlefield says that he shall take on the blame we as apostles and messengers and tools of his can rest in peace.

Tough the play of fate on our destiny is very much accountable to our past actions and desires we bring along from the past and add on in the present, the future and our destiny can be sailed through without any hiccups by having the Siddhas take the wheel. They know what is beyond the hill, around the corner and in the depth of the waters we cross. All is indeed God's play or divine Lila. Here then we shall see the destiny rule our fate. Our destiny erases portions of the fate destined for us. Nay, our destiny replaces our fate. The destiny now is governed by the actions that we do today and each day henceforth.