Friday 17 November 2023


If the Siddhas are said to have lived in the past and with vigorous practice had transformed the nature of the many bodies, said to have gone into samadhi leaving their mortal frame behind and taken the light form and are in the realm of Light continuing to shower their blessings upon mankind, showing the path to those who are keen to known and travel, how do they communicate with man?  

Many have spoken about Agathiyar and written about him. The net is full of information about him. All that is written and spoken about him has been shared numerous times just as in churning a product inside the factory. Just as man classifies homa sapiens based on their place of origin, race, religion, caste, language, etc. many have tried to define him, trying to classify him and own him. 

Who is Agathiyar? 

Though this blog too speaks about him, I do not know him as a person. He has not appeared in person before me. I do not know if he is tall or short or of medium height. I do not know if he is fair or dark skin. I do not know nothing about his origin nor history. Is he man, Siddha, Rishi, Muni, an angel, Deva, or God? Or is he a She? Or a transgender? What cannot be seen has today been given a form and name. And we fight over who is right. We claim ownership over him. 

I only know him as an energy that comes in and around us that is sensed and experienced. Just as we feel the heat of the day, the cool air that chills us down, the breeze that brushes across our faces, the waters that are refreshing, the smell of the soil after the first showers of the rain, the vibrant colors in nature that catches our eyes after a rain, the taste of food when we are truly hungry, and the sweetness of the breath that touches and flows in us, Agathiyar is all these. He is the very nature around us. He is the subtle in the gross. He is the steam, the vapor, the aroma, the aura, the energy, and the force. But sadly, man has not learned to go beyond the gross, to go beyond seeing him as the painting and the statue and in the temple. 

The formless that once took a form has gone back to the former state. It takes any form or state to interact with us, deliver its message and leaves. Man in documenting these encounters and brief moments of interaction labeled it and gave it a tag that has come to stay. Others who never knew it followed suit. A following and a congregation began. A person who heads an organization named after the Siddhas might not know them, might not necessarily have had any encounters with them, but as in all professions they could go about promoting the Siddhas. On the other hand, an individual might have had the Siddhas come into their lives as a stranger, an upaguru, guru, comrade, friend, companion, and soul partner. 

Many claims are made of Siddhas existing and walking among us. So are there many claims of Godmen around. Just as I adore the one who has attained the impossible be it in any sector or field, so too shall I adore the one who has achieved the impossible in the spiritual world. Following others or non-achievers is akin to attending school with them. Only difference is that they are in a higher grade or standard. I shall also adore and would choose to follow the one who has been there and choses to return for our sake. These are the Siddhas in the true sense.