Monday 17 July 2023


The love of a guru knows no bounds. Much is said about the gurus in books and other mediums. It is only when you "touch" them that you realize that this is not a mere powerhouse. But the genuine gurus do not exhibit these powers unless there was an absolute need. I frequented the peedham where Tavayogi was putting up during his course of stay in Malaysia in 2005. Once I was told that he was out with a devotee. I waited for his return. When he appeared at the door his face was red with anger. He walked towards me, flung his shawl and sling bag beside him, and sat down. He turned to me saying, "What is this, my son! They asked me to drive away the spirits!" Apparently, someone had brought him to a place to drive away an evil spirit. I understood his anger for he had come to bring people to the worship of Siddhas, and preach the path to emancipation, and attain Gnanam. He never was a GhostBuster. Neither did he heal others. I had never seen Tavayogi perform Siddhis nor heal another. But he did make some exceptions for me and my family. He healed my wife's mother. 

When we invited Tavayogi for the very first time to my humble home in 2005, he accepted and came over. Seeing my mother come down the stairs he got up and walked towards the landing. He fell at her feet telling us that he saw "Mother". She was 78 then. Later when he saw her again during my daughter's wedding in 2016, he was visibly saddened upon seeing her health having deteriorated. My mother who was of a fair complexion was visibly darker as she was having kidney failure then. She was 90 years of age then. Though her kidneys functioned at 20%, she regained her complexion and health, and appetite. She was mobile and not dependent on others till her last days. My mother managed to live till 96. When she complained of stomach pain and was warded, Agathiyar asked my brother to expedite the paperwork and hospital procedures to get her discharged and sent home to my sister's house where she was staying and cared for. He told us that he had to take her as another birth was waiting for her. When she passed away Agathiyar came with Lord Shiva as revealed by Agathiyar himself. He said exactly what Tavayogi had said the first time he met my mother. He told us that she was his Mother too. 

My father too was a blessed soul for when he knew his time had come he retired to a corner of the living room and sat in Siddhasana and passed away peacefully. He was 76 then in 1991.

When Agathiyar told my second daughter her past karma and gave us a long list of remedies, I referred this to Tavayogi as I had come to know him then. He told me there was no need to do it. I was stunned and remained silent thinking. Here was Agathiyar giving me the list and there was Tavayogi who asked not to follow. Who was I to follow I asked myself. Seeing my prolonged silence he spoke, telling me to do it if it would please me. I followed his word and never did it. Agathiyar never spoke about these remedies again. We have heard about Siddha's ability to move the planets around, change one fate and bring on a new destiny. I believe Tavayogi had a word with Agathiyar just like Agathiyar confronts Lord Brahma and changes our fate. 

I had done my remedies keeping to his word back then in 2002 and 2003 as I never knew Tavayogi then. My wife and my eldest daughters came with a clean slate as there was no mention of karma and remedies given. If all of us gave an impression of our thumb to help locate our Nadi, my wife did not have too. She was not even summoned before the Nadi reader. Agathiyar during one of my weekly readings spoke about her in the entire Nadi. Who are these souls I used to wonder?