Wednesday 1 February 2023


During the moments of death, we only see the suffering and pain the body undergoes as we are only aware of the existence of the physical and material. Agathiyar in coming to us says he goes beyond seeing the body. He sees only souls and addresses these souls. In the moments of struggle where life and death matter, he speaks to the souls. In moments of anguish and pain, he speaks to the souls. Death is not a tragedy. The decision of whether to stay or move is decided by the soul. Yama and fate only aid the process. In "The Little Soul and the Sun" by Neale Donald Walsch a soul tells the Little Soul that "we have danced together, you and me many times. Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced. Across all the time and in many places have we played together. You just don't remember. We have both been through all of it. We have been the male and female, the good and the bad, we have both been the victim and the villain of it. Thus we have come together, you and me many times before, each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to express and experience who we really are."

Having experienced life as per the karma and desires we carried and also satisfying those wishes that other souls had on us, and also curses brought on by them, we prepare to leave peacefully or abruptly when the stage is set as in a tragedy. Knowing death then we do not shed tears and cry over these moments of departure. Instead, we should recall the good moments we had with the soul and reminisce over them and speak about them. When my mother passed away recently, the family contributed images and videos of the many moments they had in the company of our mother, (grandma, and great-grandma to other family members) which was later complied by her grandchildren and run during the wake for her. 

Seeing my parents make prayer a daily ritual we try to inculcate this in the young too. 

Many years earlier we had put together a similar compilation of footage and interviews while she was around.