Tuesday 28 February 2023


Tavayogi after taking up monkhood left his wife and three children in his hometown Tirupur and began to travel as a mendicant. His first stop was the caves of Uthiyur. He found himself a spot in a narrow cave opening and had a timber gate placed in its opening to keep out the large animals. I was blessed to be shown and sit with him in his scared spot during my 2nd pilgrimage to India in 2005. 

Later traveling to Kasi and other significant places, he came south again and sat at Sathuragiri for some eight years. The day he climbed Sathuragiri he was pale and weak on the verge of collapse. He thought his end had come. Just then an old man showed up and enquired about his condition and passed him a piece of bread and left. Eating it Tavayogi's energy was renewed and the gasping for air and the pain in his chest went away miraculously. Today I understand that he was spared that day as he had several tasks to perform first. Just as he intended to go into samadhi, Agathiyar told him to look up a place known as Agathiyar Vanam and set up shop. He located the place as present-day Kallar near Thuripaalam. He began to receive devotees. Mataji Sarojini Ammaiyar who knew him from the days of their guru Chitramuthu Adigal became his apprentice coming over to the ashram from her hometown to help out on occasions. Tavayogi fed the locals whenever he had funds coming in from devotees and well-wishers. He provided clothes for the native children on special occasions. 

In 2004, he set foot on Malaysian soil in the footsteps of his guru Chitramuthu Adigal and Paramaguru Jeganathar Swamigal after getting a calling from Agathiyar to preach about the Siddha path abroad. Figuring how to go about it, he borrowed some money for the air ticket and followed an Indian citizen working in Kuala Lumpur. As the man worked most of the day Tavayogi was cooped up in his quarters. He thought to himself that this was not what he came for. Contacting a local devotee he was brought to a Vishnu temple where he gave his very first speech about the Siddha path. A Malaysian who was told that he would meet his guru located Tavayogi at Kallar ashram the following year. He made arrangements for Tavayogi to officiate his local affiliate of Tavayogi's Agathiyar Gnana Peedham. That is when I met up with Tavayogi and a beautiful guru-disciple relationship blossomed and grew until his passing on in 2018. 

I was blessed to meet Sarojini Ammaiyar in 2005 when Tavayogi called her over to help coordinate the feeding that I requested after hearing and seeing photos of Tavayogi having done it. She roped in the local native people to prepare the day's food. I saw the joy in these children when the word spread that there was going to be a food fest. Though it was only simple food these children saw it as Deva Amirtham or ambrosia as good food was beyond their means. Their parents went into the woods and collected wood that brought in a daily wage of a mere few rupees. Watching these children go barefooted to school, I requested that we provide them clothes and shoes. As Deepavali was just months away we bought them shirts and dresses too. But as word went around of our purchases we had to deliver the goods immediately instead of on Deepavali as the pressure was on us from these kids to give it to them. They received the clothes with joy. When my brother joined me at the ashram later after his event with fellow journalists ended at Trichy, we carried out another feeding session. 

While at Kallar Tavayogi initiated the Aandu Vizha or annual celebrations for Agathiyar. Soon this evolved into the Sarva Dosa Nivaarana Maha Yagam after the Tzunami of 2004 hit several shores in India and around the world. These festivities were moved to coincide with Agathiyar's Jayanthi. I was blessed to carry out a similar puja in my home AVM concurrently until Agathiyar shifted AVM's fest to fall on Thaipusam. 

When he was coerced to seek treatment for a urinary infection Tavayogi was diagnosed as having three blockages. Agathiyar in my Nadi reading told me that the Siddhas hearing our appeal to extend his lifespan carried out the Yagam. After the operation he returned to Kallar and settled the affairs of the ashram, handing over both the ashram and the Jeeva Nadi that he read to Mataji as if he knew his end was near. He was re-admitted to the hospital shortly after and returned to his ashram, his soul leaving us after some two hours upon arrival at his ashram. There was no old man to pass him bread this time as his work here was done. Agathiyar had further tasks for him in his realm. He had sowed the seeds and seen them nurture and grow into AVM. Now his wish was to see each home turn into AVM as conveyed by Lord Murugan and Agathiyar recently.

I guess when the purpose, job, and tasks are done everybody has to leave. All the saints once their work was done left smiling though they succumb to the diseases and illness of the flesh. Yogi Ramsuratkumar told his devotees that he could do much more in the subtle realm. Bhagawan Nithyananda too consoled his followers the same. Agathiyar tells me that my gurus are not available to guide me in the physical form as he had urgent work for them in his realm. Agathiyar tells me he stood in for them whenever the need arises. Dhanavanthri says that they shall guide us from there.

I too had appealed to Agathiyar to take me as I saw no purpose in living as I had carried out all his dictates without fail. I believe he was happy and satisfied. So was I. So why am I lingering around I asked myself? Hence the request was placed to him several times. But he says that he has much work to be done through me. One of them was revealed recently. I had to turn each home into Agathiyar Vanam.