Wednesday 1 February 2023


Walt Disney was a master storyteller and a man of vision. With this combination, the man never seemed to stop. Watching the series "The Imagineering Story", he kept going and had his people continue even after his demise. I guess Tavayogi too came with a vision to our shores back in 2004 for the very first time. He followed an Indian citizen working in Malaysia in the hope of spreading the word of the Siddhas in the temples as he did not know any locals then. He returned again the following year after making an acquaintance with a local who visited his ashram in Kallar. He soon scouted around for someone to take the Siddha path to a greater height. That is when I met him and was captivated by the man and his vision rubbed on me. The first task he gave me was to hold the annual Agathiyar Jayanthi celebration simultaneously at the exact time and day he carried the event in his ashram grounds. During his many subsequent visits to Malaysia, he officiated the opening of several peedhams in the name of Agathiyar. But he never mooted me to start one nor was I keen to jump onto the bandwagon of peedhams mushrooming. Soon Agathiyar took over sending several youths over to join my home puja for the Siddhas. My home became Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM). The rest is history that is carried on these pages and made available on YouTube. Though we never ventured to establish a peedham, movement, or following, Agathiyar had since day one of my Nadi reading in 2002 asked that I build a temple for him. 

When my first guru Supramania Swami of Tiruvannamalai sent word out of his intention to build a temple for Lord Murugan through my nephew who was visiting him then I was glad that he was doing it. I thought by seeing his desire come true I would have accomplished what Agathiyar and Lord Murugan had asked of me. It did not matter if my guru did it and not me. But that venture was stopped by the ever-playful Lord who came in the guise of a stranger and vagabond and asked Swami why he was reverting to Bakthi when he was rooted in Gnanam. But the exact opposite happened with Tavayogi. Tavayogi who wanted to go into samadhi after spending many years as a mendicant was asked to set up an ashram at a place Agathiyar pointed out as Agathiyar Vanam in Kallar. Several years later Tavayogi ventured to build a temple/ashram for Agathiyar. This venture of his saw completion in 2016. Again I thought that my quota in building a temple was fulfilled. But it was not to be so for soon Lord Murugan joined in asking me to build him one too in a Nadi reading in 2018. When I questioned him silently as the Nadi was being read as to why he needed another temple adding to the thousands he had, he seemed to have read my mind and answered in the Nadi that I shall show him differently. How was that to be, I began to ask myself. I was never moved to do it though. I guess this is the only occasion that I disobeyed Agathiyar and Lord Murugan. Both Agathiyar and Lord Murugan have something up their sleeves I know for Agathiyar recently told me that I had a purpose to fulfill and they are not revealing it as yet. 

Just as he had brought the 30-odd youngsters from Thondu Seivom together to carry our home (AVM) puja into the corridors of the temples and feed the hungry on the streets through our charity arm Amudha Surabhi, maybe the venture to build a temple needs another set of people to come by and help me carry it out. We shall wait and see.