Monday 19 February 2024


Going by the many events in recent times, it is pretty clear that Agathiyar is getting us to lose our grip and hold on our attachments. Agathiyar in coming recently made it clear that he was not here to treat our illness and heal our sorrow but to bring clarity by removing the veil of ignorance bringing us to the state of Gnanam. To a concerned mother and grandmother, who asked that Agathiyar keep her son who is due to be operated safe, Agathiyar refused to say anything regarding it. She was asking that he take care of him just as he had taken care of her other son who had taken ill some time back. Instead, Agathiyar tutored her on old age and death and asked her to seek salvation for her soul instead. He advised her to take up prayers and teach her grandchildren something about it too. He told her clearly that her troubles won't end. Some time back she prayed that her son be saved. Now she wants another son saved. Tomorrow she will come before him to save her grandchildren, and it shall continue. Her worries did not stop there, she was complaining and arguing about her granddaughter's choice of studies too. When is all this going to stop he asked? When is she going to drop her attachments? When is she going to pray for herself, asking that she leave in peace and attain salvation?

Speaking to a devotee moments ago, he asked why Agathiyar had to use us as tools for his purpose when he could come to see to these things personally? It made me think too. What if the tool is flawed or was seeking personal gains or might manipulate the truth to remain relevant? Would not it be better for the Divine to come within each and enlighten each of them? It made me reconsider all further tasks that were waiting for me. As Tavayogi says he shall speak to them, I too shall need to speak to the Siddhas to reconsider them just as they had shelved the many gifts that came my way and tasks given because I had refused them, not due to arrogance but not genuinely seeking or wanting them. I shall have a word with them.