Monday 19 February 2024


Neale Donald Walsch wrote in the opening sentence of his introduction to his Book One in the series "Conversations with God" that "You are about to have an extraordinary experience. You are about to have a conversation with God." He continues, "You probably think that's not possible... At least not in the form of a regular, everyday kind of conversation. That's what I thought too. Then this book happened to me." He shares his experience in sharing God's words. "My life would probably be much easier if I had kept all of this quiet... And whatever inconveniences the book may cause me (such as being called a blasphemer, a fraud, a hypocrite ... or perhaps worse a holy man) it is not possible for me to stop the process now."

Indeed I share the same too. The Siddhas who came through the words etched in dry palm leaves called the Nadi, Olai Suvadi, or Oracle, back then in my first Nadi reading in 2002, had Tavayogi bring me to their abodes in the jungles and caves of Kutralam, and the temples and waterfalls of Papanasam and Kalyana Theertam at the fringes of the Western Ghats. If Agathiyar had revealed the mode or the means of how he would come and walk with his devotees the day after his arrival on 2nd January 2010 in the form of the bronze statue at my home telling me that my soul will be in his statue while he would transmigrate into me using one of the 8 Siddhis, during the pandemic and post-pandemic till this day the body jointly hosted both these souls. They are coming to us speaking through devotees. The past two days leaving the company of Lobama and the other Siddhas who had assembled at Pothigai for a sharing; he hitched a drive with us; stayed and walked amongst us; sharing his grievances upon seeing the hopelessness in their attempts to release man's souls from the clutches of their ignorance; and returning back to his cheerful self and joking with us; eating with us and serving us the food too; and chatting with us for some 5 hours. 

As Neale mentions one wonders if all these were possible, we too initially doubted it but with more and more visitations from them, we saw that it was for real. They who burned the bridge and brought down the walls and created a portal came down to our level and plane from their high state of existence, have now left a small window to their world so that we could listen in or eavesdrop on their conversations too and be enlighten directly from the source rather than through others who might tend to manipulate Gods words for their own advantage. Similarly, as the learned in the texts of the Siddhas and commoners, equally, tried to define the Siddhas and their path hopelessly, I believe that Agathiyar wants to bring to the forefront the truth as seen in his readiness "to expose it in total self-fulfillment" a statement made in the preface by the author Amarakavi Ramachandra of "The Secret of Inner Voice", Hayagreeva Publication, Chennai. In reading that "We do not live but merely exhaust to death in the physical (that is the cosmic presentation with its stretch to live in matter in the individual) we are alerted to do something worthwhile before the flame extinguishes or exhausts itself.

Though it is truly unbelievable or some might brush it aside as ridiculous or utter nonsense, Agathiyar has given me the green light to share these conversations. If my brother had written back then in 1990, the booklet "Image Worship" in his series "The Wisdom Library", "The presentation (format the book was written) is in the form of a conversation between the Guru and his Sishya (Disciple)", speaking to me about the many options to go about it, Agathiyar has asked me finally to write it as was said, that is in the form of a discourse between a guru and a disciple that reminded me of his discourses with his student Pulastya in the past. And so I shall attempt to present it in this manner. Be patient with me while I vet through the recordings and recall to memory those moments when we were taken by surprise and never had an opportunity to record these conversations.