Thursday 13 June 2024


Most of our problems do not end because we keep holding on to them. It is time to let go and move on. So is it with our miseries and sufferings. See each moment as the birth of a new day. Do not look at it as you did formerly. Brush away the past views and opinions. Look at it anew. Drop it too once you are done and over with it. Do not bring the past into the present and taint the moment. Similarly, do not bring the future and spoil this moment. Live this moment to its fullest. Then move on. Look away from the negative. See things positively. At times it might be necessary to look at the negative, hurtful events for their inner meanings, and knowing and learning from them we need to move on. When the need arises, we can make others aware of these, but it should not be the talk of the day, every day.

Do not carry a burden or baggage be it past Karma, guilt and hurt, knowledge, or wisdom. It shall pull us down further. Reach out to it when it is called for. Or point others to it to discover for themselves. This is what a genuine guru would do. He would not feed us but have us scout for food. 

Life is beautiful. Look at the blue skies. It shall bring you cheer. Gaze at the flowers, the butterflies, and the bees. It brings cheer to us. Take in the breeze that brushes across your face. You shall be energized. Take a dip in a stream or have a cold shower. You shall feel rejuvenated. Call up your grandchildren. They shall bring joy to you, with their sweet talk. 

If someone were to ask me why God showers his grace on us and not on them, I do not have an answer. We are all God's children. They too are extremely good, kind, compassionate souls but seem to go through much distraught, misery, and trouble. What can we answer when they ask, "Why Me?" The Siddhas would point out to Karma but I cannot possibly talk about that as the reason for their sufferings for I too am caught in the web of Karma. It would be akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

Take the hand of the divine. If not now eventually your prayers shall be heard. Every cloud has a silver lining. It is just that it is hidden and not visible now. These words are to comfort me too in times of trials and tribulations, for no one is spared. While we were attending a birthday party, my school-going granddaughter found herself admitted to the wards for presumably a mystery virus that caused her calf muscles to ache over three days. Upon her discharge, we headed for my brother-in-law's funeral in Ipoh. The next weekend while heading back to Kuala Lumpur we decided to drive through the hill resort and tea plantations on Cameron Highlands. Returning home I fell sick followed by the rest of the family. With so many things happening back to back we thought it could be food poisoning as we had eaten at numerous places making numerous pitstops or we could have caught the cold by getting wet in the rains in the highlands or sheer exhaustion from all the traveling. It was only when my daughter, who except for two days a week, worked from home, did a Covid self-test as was required by her office, before leaving for her office, that she discovered, she was positive. Taking the self-test, both my wife and I were positive. Though we are well, we are now under home quarantine.