Sunday 9 June 2024


I cannot bring myself to revisit the past no more. If someone were to ask me to teach them the rituals we did back then, I would not be able to. In fact, when someone asked to join our puja I had them look elsewhere for we had stopped carrying out these rituals. I have come away from it. Even before Agathiyar put a stop to all rituals the mantra recital and singing of songs dropped on its own accord. I could not bring myself to carry on. There was an instance when I stopped singing the Agaval, Ramalinga Adigal coming through another devotee carried on, but to our surprise, they were entirely different verses. Similarly, even the Homam we lit would die off seconds after it was lit. Agathiyar told us not to reignite the flame or fan it. When the flame died it meant that the ritual was accepted. 

When a devotee who guided me back then in 2002, at the start of my search to know about the Siddhas and their worship them, speaking over the phone today, asked me to contribute towards their charitable mission I told him that I had come away from it. He was still caught in the web. A couple of devotees who began the journey together are still engrossed in carrying out charity. They too were caught in the web. When I asked them if they were carrying out the Yoga techniques that Tavayogi taught, they replied that they were not. I remember Tavayogi asking us to come out of Bhakti the moment he stepped on our shores in 2005. Subsequently, he taught us the rituals to connect with the Siddhas and Yoga Asana and Pranayama to connect with the Self in 2007. Agathiyar and Ramalinga Adigal came along later to connect us to the larger expanse of creation or Prapanjam, ridding us of worship to form and name in 2020. 

We have come a long way, picking up the tools and learning to lay them down later. Hence it was pretty easy for us to traverse the path, not carrying any baggage along. Today we stand empty and naked. There is nothing else to do but to remain silent and just watch.