Saturday 8 June 2024


One wonders why the gurus and saints do not take along their followers when they leave. Agathiyar in winding up the AVM and Amudha Surabhi group told us that henceforth it was a solo journey within where all external activities shall be dropped. Each has to make the journey solo. But how many were ready for it? Many had only just stepped into matrimony and were raising a family. He had me move ahead telling me not to wait for others for my journey would be delayed as age was catching up with me. I had only some precious years left to reach the understanding that he was to bring on from within. He worked on me bringing me to the understanding that we were one. It was not that I was Agathiyar. He made me understand that the Soul was one. He made me understand that we had existed and shall exist for years to come. He made me understand that we are unperishable. This is enough. I shall rest in peace. Is this what is meant by "Saagaamal Saagum Nilai" that Ramalinga Adigal spoke about? 

I had come across a piece on King Janaka who had lived the life of a Jeevan Mukta while caring for his nation and subjects. Vasishta gives a full discourse to Rama on reflection of life and the nature of the true Self and its relation to the world that he sees as an illusion. Vasishta narrates the story of King Janaka to Rama. Janaka happened to come by a group of Siddhas, one fulfilled in his purpose, that he has no more to search and seek, singing the Siddha song called Siddha Geeta in chorus. Hearing the Siddha song drove Janaka into deep thought and inquiry. As he sat at the verandah of his palace and gazed out into the plains in deep thought, he thought of how minute his span of life upon this earth compared to the ceaseless course of the eternal time.

"My soul was ageless before it came here. After leaving here too is going to be endless. Yet I being a fool think this present or middle period upon earth to be the real. My fame, fortune, and riches are false. Where are the riches of the so-called monarchs who ruled this earth? All that was there at one time have gone to sheer dust later", laments the King alone. Brooding long about life, Janaka realizes, "All my dangers and calamities are the net, woven by the hundreds of threads of my own desires and ambitions." Caught in this net, he says he had enough of this weaving and enough of this bondage. "Let me take resolve to rest in my inner chamber. Now I have at last been awakened by this high-souled Siddhas. From now on I shall heed my soul, and follow the Atma, which is the only sure means to attain freedom and supreme bliss. Let me sit alone and withdrawn. I shall win quietude in my own soul and find all my peace and contentment therein. Like the soul in my body, let me sit quietly and still, alone and contented." 

In these quiet moments, his minister came to announce the arrival of dignitaries from abroad. He then decided, "However, let me rise up. Let the body pursue whatever it has been used to. To restrain it all of a sudden will be wrong and damaging. If the mind remains desireless the results of actions done by the body and its limbs will be taintless." Janaka made his way to meet his royal visitors. Having reflected thus at length Janaka attended to all his duties and work relating to his kingdom. He was neither over-concerned nor worried. He was dwelling cheerfully in the present accepting whatever came to him as an event or duty. The Divine brought him to a state of indifference and non-attachment even as he continued to rule his kingdom. He realized that the soul neither can benefit from action nor beget harm by inaction. It is pure and immortal. From then on Janaka became a Jeevan Mukta. This is the sublime teaching of the Siddha Geeta.