Monday 17 June 2024


The moment Agathiyar says that we are one here starts another phase of the journey where I need to tread carefully and be extra cautious about all that I say and do. If we are one, it could only mean we have arrived or rather we are it. He is driving the point that all souls are one, and Buddha in essence and always in existence. It is a matter of how many realize this truth. 

Agathiyar in having us let go even asked that I let go of grasping onto him, my last resort and hold on the rope of salvation. When I replied, "How could I?" his answer was "Aren't we One?" I let go that instant. Everything I learned and picked up dropped on its own accord. I can hardly remember them now. All I knew was that I did not exist apart and except as him. I lost myself but came to know him. We were verily one. My learning here has come to an end. Gary Zukav in his "The Seat of the Soul", Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, 1989, writes, "Karmic patterns seize to be once you as a soul no longer require learning in the world of duality."

From Salopam or the rare gift of taking human birth and living in the world of the God and coming to Sameepam or the great honor of living close to God, having him in our homes, and Sarupam or the exalted state of taking the form of God where he momentarily enters us and speaks and heals, he has brought us to arrive at Sayujyam or the ultimate state of merging with God. 

The 4 paths namely Taatamaargam (Sariyai), the path of the servant; Sarputramaargam (Kriyai) or the path of the son; Sagamaargam (Yogam) or the path of companionship and Sanmaargam (Jnanam) attaining the form of Shiva, that gives rise to the above-mentioned states or resulting in these relationships, has been traversed to realize the Self and Atma is one. 

Since we verily carry him, it is like walking on a razor's edge. Maya is not done with his work. He still could lure us, coming in the sheep's clothing, waiting to pounce on us when we lose our guards. Many a holy man have fallen into disgrace at this juncture. We have to be on the look out.