Tuesday 4 June 2024


In the movie "The Words" Jeremy Irons appearing as "The Old Man" in the movie, in speaking on the manuscript he wrote says "The words simply poured out of him, a stream that he could not control nor question where they came from." He later says that "We all make choices in life. The hardest thing is to live with them. And there aren't nobody can help you with them."

I was never a writer though many considered me as a good artist. My artistic talent though it caught the attention of my primary school teachers and later the public where I was approached and given assignments did not take off professionally as I opted for and joined the folds of civil engineering making it a career. I did harbor a dream to become a movie director though. But as in the former, better sense told me to look for a better sustainable job rather than chase my dream. Today I can boldly say I had no choice in picking my studies, my career, my family, my home, and everything else as it was determined by a divine hand. I settled for all these that came my way. I guess that is what saved the day for me.

So how did I begin writing that lead to the birth of several websites and finally this blog? I thought I should document my travel to India back then in 2003. It was my maiden travel to any other country for that matter. I meticulously listed the many places Agathiyar wanted me to visit and carry out remedies or parikaram for my past karma. I looked through the map of the Indian subcontinent and identified the route I would take and the many places of worship that were on the route which I would stop over to visit not knowing that Agathiyar would have a say and a hand in my destiny then. The late Dr Krishnan in charting and reading my horoscope in 1996 told me that I would write. Coming to Agathiyar he had me write on my internal changes and the experiences it brought. Though not much to shout about these were starters on yet another travel within to know the soul or Atma. He would give me the words and the sentences that comes together taking a form, subject and story for the day. I would immediately get to jot them down for they come to pass as fast as they come through. I would then look for references to them reading up on the experiences and writings of others for Tavayogi always told me that we need references to strengthen what we wrote. Writing has since then come easy just as art did.