Thursday 27 June 2024


Looking back at the past years, we can settle down peacefully knowing that we had done justice to all our outings and spiritual tours; the prayers and rituals we conducted; the events we held and the charities we did, etc. 2019 was a time to wind up and go within to discover the Self. All the above activities came to an abrupt halt. Each of us went our way, carrying these wonderful memories with us. The Siddha path came to a close for many. The dream to see Agathiyar Vanam Malaysia (AVM) take foot in each home did not see the light of the day except for a handful. The rest were comfortable with their personal puja and were not ready to open up their homes and hearts to others to join in their home prayers as my family and I did in the past. Agathiyar too left them alone to focus on their responsibilities to their families, careers, and businesses. They were free to do as they pleased. As for me, he asked to walk the remaining journey alone for he said that the path was now narrow and could accommodate only one at a time. I guess I have arrived at the very place I started just as Tavayogi autographed my copy of his book "Andamum Pindamum" writing "God lives in your heart, from where the journey starts and ends too." After making the call to come to the path through the Nadi reading, after seeking to know more about Agathiyar from other organizations in his name, after meeting Tavayogi who brought me to the many abodes and temples of the Siddhas, and after ushering the Siddhas into our homes through puja and rituals, finally we realized him in our hearts as did Tavayogi. We have indeed arrived home. The search has stopped. The activities have ceased. Silence prevails these days. In this silence, we sense his being and us as one, just as he had pointed out.