Wednesday 5 June 2024


One would think that coming to the Siddhas we would come to learn about them and their story. But on the contrary, they never chose to speak about them but instead were more concerned about our transformation. There was never a moment that they shifted their glance away from us. As a concerned parent would monitor a child so did Agathiyar monitor us. His dream was to see us become another Siddha. Hence, they first called us to the Nadi and revealed the story of creation at least the reasons for us taking this birth. Traveling with him further, Agathiyar revealed the story of creation at least how the soul or Atma supervised the formation of this gross body from an embryo, a fetus and into a child. He revealed how the Atma would step aside having done its initial work. Giving way to our past Karma that would continue to work on us they await for the exact moment when the ego in us begins to give way to a divine inspiration. The Atma in us draws the curtain aside and comes to lead us further, bringing a guru in an external form along to show us path and the means and the ways. Traveling on the path the Atma continues to guide us from within, having us drop even the need for an external guru any further. The Atma reveals itself within us bringing on Atma Darisanam. It stands and stays as the guru. We are one with it. We arrive home.