Saturday 8 June 2024


The Siddhas though through the Nadi can fill us in on what is in store for us, can reveal what went wrong in the past to earn another birth, and what is going on in the present, who can tell us what is in store after we drop this physical birth? Who can furnish details about this never-ending story of taking birth again and again? Every holy man and saint seems to have dropped their mortal form like everyone else too. So how can they be considered to be way above the average man? They have discovered the Soul or Atma within them. Most of us don't till our last breath leaves us. That places them apart from us. 

To know the Soul is to know God and to be One with Him.

If Jason Gregory says that the most dangerous book for the Ego is the "Avadhuta Gita", similarly I would say that the following song too kills one's ego.