Tuesday 19 March 2024


It is only when you are in love that you truly see the world. You see your girl's or boy's image in everything. Seeing everything brings on the thought of your boyfriend or girlfriend. You begin to appreciate the air, the ambiance, the songs and music, the sights, the flowers, the smell, the skies, and the stars altogether. It is no wonder that looking back at the movies of the past, we see couples look up to the night moon and sing songs asking the moon to be a witness to their love. 

With a small shift in this plane, we slip into the state of love towards God. Another shift and our love tend to envelop all of creation. 

In this world, we grow up being taught to acquire everything possible. Studies and education, career and positions, wealth and property, life partners and children. People tend to judge us based on all these possessions. But in reality, it is in letting go or rather remaining detached or to be more premise enjoying all these but ready to drop them or leave them when called for, where true bliss is derived. Bliss is not in conquering great summits, lands, and nations but in leaving them behind for others who follow. Love is to be given. Love is to be shared. Love is to be shown. I saw the love that Agathiyar, Lobama, and the Siddhas showed me yesterday. If it was always just like any ordinary telephone conversation where as usual Agathiyar steps into my conversation with another devotee, this time around he drove the devotee to pick up the phone and call me. He wanted very much to talk to me. He showered his love till I remained speechless. He reminded me of the love my grandchildren had for us. They love to be around us. They love to have us around them. They ask that we play with them. They ask that we join them on their trip out to town or the parks. 

Man cannot possibly show this amount of love. He does have his reservations and picks and chooses whom to show love too. The Siddhas are indeed different. Though Agathiyar lambasted his devotees some time back as it was called for, for they had simply refused to follow his dictates for a better life, he quickly turns around and brings himself to love them. I guess that is how a guru is too, like a father, loving at times and strict at other moments. 

Underlying all the 5 L's that Dr. Gladys McGarey lists out above is LOVE. Love adds magic to all the moments and tasks.